Reena - No Escape

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Even though I hoped the morning sickness would have stayed for the rest of the day, it didn't. The only symptom that is on me right now, is the fact that I really want to sleep. I had texted Reed Max earlier to let him know I felt sleepy and all he said was that he has a bed. So yeah, I can't back out of this one and I just think it's best if I just get it over it because I have to see them, whether now or in the near future. It is inevitable.

As I stand in my bath towel, looking through my closet trying to find something to wear, all I can think of is what Reed said, that it doesn't matter if his parents like me because he does. Another gleeful smile grows across my face and I rub my hand over my belly, I think I'm beginning to more than like Reed but I'm not going to go over my head. Just because he took my virginity and now I'm pregnant doesn't mean anything really.

I decide on wearing what I'm most comfortable in, my gray converse and a long black dress with straps and splits at the side that reaches up to my thighs.

I hear a knock on the door and know it's him, I look at my wild curly hair and decide to leave it be. I comb my brows and spray my neck with my body mist and race to the door. I had already told my mom I was leaving but she didn't even answer much less look at me.

When he sees me, he smiles and drops his eyes to my belly. "I like that you're not trying to hide it."

"That's because I can't," I say, smiling.

We get into the car and he drives off to his parents' house, and that's when the feeling of nausea takes me, not because of the pregnancy but because I am really nervous about the fact that they might not approve of me.

*** Yes it's short I know, but the next one will make up for it! I promise. : )

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