Reed Max - The Grandparents

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Image Above: Old photograph of Mr. and Mrs. Max when they were young adults. : )


"Pregnant." My mom stares at me with hard eyes that make me almost wish I had told Dad first and in private. Well, he's staring too but at least he isn't looking at me like mom. 

"Reedel Arthur Max! You got a girl pregnant?!" My mom screams and I take a cowardly step back. Her eyes narrow to sharp tiny glares and she flies up from her seat, but instead of coming for me she instead walks about the room, muttering to herself. 

My dad, he's still sitting but his eyes have grown distant. "How old is she?" My father asks.

"Sixteen," I say.

"Sixteen?! Oh god, she's just a child." She spins on me, "You're still just a child!"

"Marge, calm down." My dad gets up and walks over to my mother, he puts both hands on her shoulders and wills her to look at him, "Honey, you need to breathe."

"But he's just seventeen, what does he know about being a father?! Hell, next year he'll be off to college!" Her head snaps to mine, "You will be going to college."

"I know."

Mom shakes her head and slaps at my father's hands, when he lets go she takes a deep breath and looks at me, "Do you even know if it's yours?"

My dad looks at her, "Marge."

"Well yes," I say.

"And how do you know that this child she's carrying is yours?"

"Marge!" My dad shouts and she turns to him, "What?! I will not allow him to ruin his life Lucius, he's only seventeen!"

"Mom!" I sigh and sit at the table, "I know this because I'm her first and well, I didn't use any protection."

Both of them stare at each other before my dad comes over and sits beside me, "Max, your mother isn't angry at you, she's just scared for your future. Being a father is hard enough, trust me and well, at your age, it's going to be even harder." He smiles and pats me on the shoulder.

"How far along is she?"

"More than three months."

"That long," my mother comes closer and stares at me, "why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I just found out."

"She didn't want you to know?"

"Mom, she was scared that I might not want it. And, she only found out when she got admitted to the hospital the first time and, I found out when this Monday when she had got admitted again."

Dad gives me a worried look, "Wait, hospital?"

I nod my head, "Yeah, the first time she fell down the stairs and the second, because of her peanut allergy."

Mom looks at dad, "Fell down the stairs?"

Dad looks to me, "Twice?"

I sigh, getting up. "Her mom's boyfriend pushed her."

"What!" My dad is on his feet, face hard with anger.

"That's when she found out she was carrying my child."

My mom sits down and covers her mouth, silent for a long time, thinking, then she looks at me with wet eyes, "You really are going to be a father."

"Yes," I say, trying to not sound nervous.

She starts sobbing and dad goes to her side, trying to soothe her.

"He's growing up too fast Lucius." Dad shoos and hugs her while patting her back.

"It's okay Marge, he'll be a good father."

She nods and wipes her face, "When will I see her?"

That question I have no answer for, so I don't say anything.

"Take her tomorrow, we'll all be home and I can make something really nice. You can take her in the afternoon." My mom gets up and returns back to the stove, where she finishes cooking and we have our first awkward dinner in two years since my sister died.



Please, I beg of you! Please

Thanks for reading!

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