Reena - Oh no!

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Image above is Sheldon! : )


Just before lunch, I stop in the bathroom locking myself in a stall as I feel a bout of sickness coming on. The nauseous feeling is stronger today and I almost wish I had stayed home, but I can't miss any more of school if I want to graduate with a good GPA.

I might be pregnant but my dream of going to college is still alive and it's all I hope for so, there's nothing to stop it from becoming a reality.

After throwing up, I stand at the sink for a few minutes taking deep breaths and trying to get my mind prepared for how and when I'm going to tell Reed that I'm pregnant. The how isn't so much a problem as the when, as he's never alone. I wanted to tell him this morning but I couldn't when Sheldon was on us like white on rice.

Sighing, I look in the mirror and splash some water on my face telling myself I'll tell him after school when he's taking me home. He sort of demanded to while in class and before I could deny, the bell rang and everyone began talking to him so I couldn't.

We both left and just when I was about to say something I felt nauseous and told him I was going to the bathroom. And here I am.

I rinse out my mouth and move to exit when Amilda and Alyssa come in. They take a look at me and make a disgusted face, I try to push pass them but they block me.

"Well well, look who we have here. Litter trash on her way to lunch." Alyssa smiles wickedly at me, flipping her long black hair over her shoulder and folding her arms under her big breasts.

"With Reed no doubt." Amilda gives me a dirty look from my head to my shoes then back up.

"Reed, Reed Max?" Alyssa says with a shocked look on her before cackling.

"Seems he couldn't find better than Isla so he's settling for less." Amilda steps forward and I narrow my eyes at her.

Their words don't hurt me but if she touches me, I'm knocking her out.

"Are you guys done?" I say and try to move pass them again but they shove me back with their bodies.

"Stay away from Max." Alyssa says and Amilda says right after, "He doesn't need trash like you."

"Because he would rather trash like you two?"

They give me dark glares and step forward but before they can say anything there's a knock and Reed Max speaks from the other side. "Reena, you okay?"

Both girls stares grew darker when I finally push pass them to the exit. Reed Max eyes me with a little concern before asking, "You okay, you were in there forever."

I nod and move off. "I'm fine. Was just catching up with a few friends." He's right beside me, taking every in.

"Thought you said you didn't have any friends."

"I don't," I reply, my head straight.

"Hm. I'm not going to ask."

I smile and look across at him. "Good."

He returns a smile and we make our way to the cafeteria in sweet silence.


Once there Sheldon waves us over and the walk to him I can feel every eye on us and all the time I hold my head up.

Reed must feel it too because he holds my hand and when I don't move it, he squeezes it and my chest catches a fire.

Pregnant At SixteenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin