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Darkness. That's all you see..... Well technically tripping here and there and bumping into each other once in a while.

After a few minutes of calvary, Guren finally turned on some lights. A staircase going down, was in front of you. "Come on." Guren ordered. You guys went down and huge door with creepy details were infront of you. You looked at the others and some of them were already looking at the others with hesitation. Gurwn pushed the door open to reveal a huge dark room with three big creepy statues of faces of a demon.

"Listen here. I'm not just gonna give you guys a crappy cursed gear. What you're going to get is black demon series cursed gear, which is the same as mine." Guren stated. Alright cool. Nothing wrong with that. You thought. "What do we do?" The three boys asked. "You guys will stand on the platforms beneath every statue and pick up a weapon you would like. After that, you guys will feel weak and pass out, this is when you have to use strength. You have to fight the demon and not let it consume you. If you done that, you can keep the cursed gear." Guren explained crossing his arms.
"Uhhh...."- Yoichi
"Okay!"- Kimizuki
"Let's do it!"- Yuu

The boys went to the platforms and chose their weapons. After a couple of minutes the three of them passed out. "What do you mean don't let the demon consume them? Is it possible for them to die?" You asked Guren. "No, but it is possible for their souls to be gone and the demon will take over their body. Which is kind of like...half dying." Guren answered. You sighed Yuu...be careful.


It was silent till one of them stood up. Kimizuki. He stared at you guys and you readied our weapons, turns out he was normal and won over the demon. Playing the waiting game again, Kimizuki waited for Yuu and Yoichi staying in the platform. Yuu started groaning and shifting on his platform and turns out he won his weapon too. You sighed in relief. Until, Yoichi quuckly sat up and he does not look normal at all. His eyes were pitch black and veins started popping out around them, black marks sorrounding his eyes and arms. He started jumping around the room with his creepy voice.

He stood on one of the pillars in the room, and you noticed something green glowing underneath him. A bow. That's the weapon he chose. He loaded one arrow and aimed it at you. "Watch out!" Guren yelled. You ducked and dodged the arrow. He jumped around again and before you knew it he was already behind Kimizuki. You have no choice but to reveal your scythe. You spun the cursed gear and blue flames emitted from it. You held it at the bigger part and dashed behind Yoichi and you hit him at the back of his head using the handle of the scythe.

He passed out.

Hush, Child...[Mikaela Hyakuya X Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن