Episode Two #4

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Animika and Tapanga both insisted on going to the surface with Sophia to greet her friends. They seemed almost as excited as she was. Animika talked about getting a really nice hotel room for the night, so they could have a big celebration. Tapanga had heard that a group of Turik drummers were planning on drumming on one of the open courts and wanted to go dance.

Just as the elevator slid into the ground station, Sophia's phone beeped. "At the gate. They say we can't come in," Tamela's text said.

"We are just arriving. Be there in a sec." Sophia texted back.

She was dressed for the station and had forgotten that winter was coming on the earth beneath them. Sophia shivered as the first cold wind hit her. She wrapped her arms around herself and hurried across the lot to the entrance.

Tamela was dark haired and heavyset, and she looked even heavier in her thick winter coat. She was currently leaning into the entrance gatehouse, arguing with a consortium diplomat as Kerry, a shade lighter and a shade less dark stood behind her and scowled. Sherry was a head shorter than either, with curly hair that hung to her shoulder. She gave Sophia a sheepish smile and wave.

"We don't care about coming back," Tamela was saying when Sophia came into hearing range. "We're immigrating permanently."

"My boss says we aren't supposed to let people in," the diplomat said. "He just called not five minutes ago. They don't want anyone coming in unless they've special permission."

Thinking fast, Sophia called out. "They have special permission. Sara.."

"Sara Daraniya," Tapanga supplied.

"Sara Daraniya and Dhanvin Sandhovar of the economics office want them for the bottom court crew," Sophia said.

The diplomat gave her a look and she was worried she'd be called on her bluff. After all she had no clue how much authority either Sara or Dhanvin actually had or what they would say if the diplomat called them for confirmation.

"Well, why didn't you say?" he groused. "When are they ever going to get that court open?" He waved the three through and bio-idented them.

"Sophia!" Tamela shrieked and swept Sophia into a big warm hug.

The parking lot of the station was nearly empty, but not completely empty, Sophia noticed as they finished their greetings. A handful of cars and foot traffic approached the station. Most were sent away. One lady showed a passport and said something about day labor and one family of Native Americans were allowed through.

A man in a wheelchair approached the gate as they were getting ready to head inside. He'd obviously wheeled himself up from the city down below. He was dressed in a battered green coat and his beard was thick, black and matted.

Sophia heard shouting as they neared the building. She turned back and saw the man in the chair arguing with the guards and the consortium diplomat. He was swearing at a prodigious pace. She exchanged a look with Kerry, who turned and headed back.

Sophia shivered. She really wanted to get inside, into the warmth again. Instead she followed Kerry across the lot.

"It's not fair!" the man was raging. "I served my god damn country. I saw, we all saw, what happened to that naval crew. They were treated, cured, by the others. Well, I served too, god damn it. Got a belly full of shrapnel and a broken spine serving my country in Afghanistan. And what do I get? Nothing!"

"Sir, I am sorry," the diplomat was saying, trying to be the peacemaker. "I understand that you are upset. But we can not just let people up right now. Come back in a few weeks, maybe."

"I served," Kerry declared loudly. "Three years. Infantry." Everyone looked at her. Sophia couldn't help but wonder what went through their heads at the sight of her. Her square face and long hair. Her erect posture, broad shoulders. A faded army surplus jacket, floor length skirt and combat boots. Kerry projected such a mismatch of gender clues, people regularly did a double take when meeting her for the first time.

Now she stood stiff and saluted the man in the chair. "This man gave his all for his country. You owe him."

"I agree," a guard commented without looking back at them. "If anyone gets to go up, he should."

An American diplomat had just arrived to start the next shift. He looked over the situation briefly and muttered something about checking with his superior and disappeared inside the gatehouse.

By the time he came back out, Sophia's back had erupted in goosebumps and she was starting to remember what it had felt like the night she came up.

"Go on," the diplomat said when he came out. "A healer is waiting at sixteen above. Don't know how you'll get around the station. They don't make things wheelchair accessible up there."

"We'll help him get there," Sophia and Kerry said together.

Inside the station, Tapanga and Animika had gotten everyone sandwiches and drinks. The elevator had already returned and it would be two hours before they could make the return trip.

The man, who introduced himself as Randy, was mollified by Kerry's professions of patriotism and by her treating him as the war hero he clearly felt he was. He was less happy with her gender. Once, while the others were talking, he leaned in and asked Sophia, "why do hang out with those transgender..."

"I'm one, too," she said quickly, before he could say something offensive. She held his gaze.

He blushed. "Sorry, didn't know," he muttered.

"They've special treatments up there for people like us," Sophia told them.

Sherry, who was sitting close, spun at that. "Yeah, what have you learned about that? Did you go to the healer?"

Sophia had. They had talked for a long time. Sophia had been homeschooled and her science background had been scanty. How much someone like Kerry or Sherry, who were far better educated, would understand, Sophia wasn't sure. The healer had identified over a dozen genes that related to gender, not simply the XY chromosome that Sophia had thought covered it all. But just having certain genes didn't mean they were all equally active. The difference between activity of different genes was called push.

Sophia had binary genetics, which was how they describe XY chromosomes. Testosterone had influenced the formation of her body and she had male features. But specific genes hadn't been triggered while her brain was developing and she had little "push" for masculinity.

As if this wasn't far enough over her head, the healer had warned. "Genetics only influence the sort of gender presets the brain has. What information, traits, ideas get filled into those presets depends on upbringing and culture. Nor can this determine whether you will be happier with a different body. This can only inform me, the healer, that yes, you are a good candidate for treatment. But it's up to you to decide how to best live your life."

Sophia had grasped enough that she barely paused. "So what are the treatment options."

The healer smiled and tapped the chart he'd been showing her. "Thought so."

Sophia was finishing explaining those options to Sherry when the elevator dropped out of the sky. Kerry and Tapanga had to lift Randy's wheelchair down into the sunken aisle of the elevator, but other than that, the return trip was uneventful.

When they arrived at Sixteen above, two security men entered and lifted Randy out. They found a small welcoming part waiting. At the center was a tall thin man with wavy dark hair. He had a proud bearing and was vaguely familiar to Sophia.

"Captain Sherman Lannister of Shoshone Station," a security man called out. Randy and Kerry both snapped precise military salutes. Tapanga did a fist bump and bow. Animika placed her palms together and bowed. Confused by the numerous salutes, Sophia startled and bowed awkwardly. Luckily the only one paying her any attention was Dhanvin, who was standing on the edge of the group. He gave her a friendly nod.

The captain made a short and sincere speech about being honored to have a veteran who had given so much for his country onboard and promising the best treatment the station had to offer.

Thanks for Reading! 

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