Episode Three: Eggs #12

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Fox followed Nara and the others to a local lift and down. Lannister was asking Davies and Clower about Somalia and their new post. The two looked like deer in the headlights, put off by Lannister's more social persona now that he was working amongst the outgoing consortium people. Fox snickered. He'd had time to get used to it, those who had only known Lannister onboard a naval ship were shocked by how much their old captain had changed.

He felt Nara's body next to his and forgot about the others for a time. She leaned close and he enjoyed the feel of her pressed against him again. He kissed her cheek. "God, I've missed you," he said.

"Don't mind us," Clower joked.

"Don't intend to," Nara replied, kissing Fox's neck. Fox put his arm around her, holding her still. He blushed as he looked over and found the other three smirking at them. Nara stilled at his side, but she had a cheeky, triumphant expression.

Lannister broke the awkward silence just as the lift opened. "So how is Nyarugasu?"

"Good," Nara replied, still meeting the gaze of the other two, as if to challenge them to comment further. "The station is crowded. The camp down below, it's slowly turning into a real city. Very busy down there."

"And your mission?" Fox asked.

"Good as well. I've commissioned some land. Sent the specs back to Commander Tawlin."

"Mission?" Lannister asked as they walked the halls towards the next lift down and the bottom court.

"Nara's battalion is coming," Fox explained. "They will help the consortium forces and the leaders of various African nations to maintain peace and to help with the relief efforts."

"We must build a new command base. I've been asked to be point for the project," Nara said.

"Sounds like a big responsibility," Lannister commented. "Here we are," he said to the other two. They stepped out on the court. "Now what's good to toast with but won't leave you two impaired for driving?"

"Soma Goji-ban," Clower said.

"There's a tea shop just over there," Fox said. Soma, Fox was learning, was a catch-all term for a variety of herbal concoctions, served either hot or cold. Most had mild psychedelic effects. Goji-ban was a stimulant, a bit stronger than caffeine but comparable.

The shop was near the edge. Fox ordered a small bottle and glasses for all. Clower offered the toast. He looked over the edge, down on the landmass beneath them. "The good old red, white and blue, may the colors never run."

"Amen," Lannister put in and they drank.

Fox gestured to the west, where the sun was slowly setting in the sky. "And to the Cambridge. A damn fine ship to serve on."

"Amen," they all said, together and drank.

"And to the Corelean and crew, that saved us," Lannister finished with a nod towards Nara. They drank. Fox poured a second round and they fell to talking.

"Seems like the old crew is starting to get settled again," Fox commented. "You heard about Oleson?"

"No, what?" Davies asked. "Last we heard he was behind a desk, dry docked like all of us."

"They tapped him for Blumenthal's personal security detail," Lannister said. "At the new embassy on Saras Station."

"Lucky bastard," Clower growled. He pinked and gave a nervous glance at Lannister.

Lannister merely nodded. "Yeah, but he deserves it, too. Great officer. I'm sure he'll do a great job."

"Who else have you guys heard about?"

"Remember the cook, Marten. Had the heart attack?" Davies asked.

"Yeah, Martens. How is he?"

"Heard he's opened a restaurant. Big local hit in his home town."

"People pay for navy mess food?" Fox spluttered. The others chuckled.

"I'm guessing he's upped his game. Besides I think it's mostly to see a guy who's been up there you know. It's a tiny dinner and he's doing short order cooking where he can spend half his time out at the counter, talking to customers."

"He was a talker, you've got to give him that," Lannister said. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news but five minutes until the next elevator departure. We should be heading back. I don't want to hold you up."

"Yeah, wish we could stay awhile but you're right. Thanks for the drink though."

"I'll take that," Fox said, snatching up the half empty bottle. "And Nara and I will say our goodbyes and move over to one of those food stalls and eat before we check into our room."

"Check in? Don't you have a room on the station?" Clower asked.

Fox blushed.

Nara wasn't nearly as embarrassed. "The boy is worried we might make some noises that he wouldn't want his poor grandma to hear. And I intend to."

They all laughed and said goodbyes with Lannister leading the two back towards the main lift to the surface.

"Speaking of grandma," Fox said as they watched the others walk off. "She's got a food stall and she makes a mean tamale. We can at least say hi and introduce you two." 

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