Episode 9: Asha-Tanga #9

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The next day, Chatura's family took them sightseeing. Crowds were everywhere. The zoo was an incredible experience. The animals, as far as was safe for both parties, were not caged. The monkeys roamed through the crowd. The otters came up to the edge of the path and inspected Jamie closely, one placing a paw on each of her cheeks and looking deeply into her eyes, which delighted her to no end.

The markets were fabulous, but expensive. Even Dhanesha commented on it. "I don't know if it's just Saras or Asha-Tanga, but I can get you that for half the price back home and have it shipped," he told Cynthia as she ran a hand longingly over a silk dress.

Even food prices were high, though not as bad as some of the other market items. They ate their lunch meal from a street vendor—a pastry with a heavy filling of mycobactim and vegetables.

Asha-Tanga parties were going on everywhere and some seemed pretty wild, but Dhanesha did not take them anywhere that was outside of Jake's or Mom's comfort zones, thankfully. He caught a few glimpses of what looked like raves, with heavy rhythmic music and half-naked dancers intertwined. On his own, maybe . . . but to even think of exploring such a place with his family on the same station was almost too much.

"We might slip away tonight for a taste of real Asha-Tanga," Chatura whispered to Jake and Abioya as they headed back for the family's compound that afternoon. He glanced down an alleyway at a party. Two dancers were locked in an erotic embrace. "Maybe not that Asha-Tanga," he amended. "A friendly bar or something like that."

"A friendly bar?" Jake asked.

"A place where you can meet people. They make it easy," Chatura said.

"Not a brothel?" Abioya asked, nervous.

"Oh, by the Mother, no," Chatura said. "I know how you guys feel about that. And anyway, I wouldn't. Or I wouldn't if my mother might find out." Chatura looked genuinely afraid of that thought, and Jake nearly laughed. And then he thought about how he'd feel if his mom found out he'd been to such a place. "It's just that they make it easy," Chatura repeated.

"Easy how?" Jake asked.

"It's for guys like us," he said. "Guys who don't find talking to people so easy, in that way, you know. They have hosts and hostesses that help you out. Just . . . I'm not explaining it good. We'll go have a drink. You'll see."

Jake reluctantly agreed. It did sound fun to have a night out away from the family, but Chatura's description of the "friendly" bar was less then reassuring.

They announced their plans over supper. Mom had the same set of questions about what exactly a "friendly" bar was. "Not a brothel, no," Dhakshana said. "Not that there is anything wrong with brothels. But they will not lead to a life partner." She brushed Chatura's head. He looked embarrassed to be part of this conversation. "And I want grandchildren someday. Not any day too soon, mind you. But someday."

Dhanesha thought it was a grand idea and even tried to force money on them to pay for their drinks. "Dad, I have a job now," Chatura complained but held up his palm obediently to accept the exchange.

Mom and Cynthia gave Jake some more gentle ribbing about his night out as he changed and they got the younger kids ready for bed. Underneath his embarrassment, Jake couldn't help but feel a certain excitement. On his own in such an exotic place . . . how could he not?

Chatura led the way out of the compound courtyard and onto the streets. The crowds had not thinned much with the falling of night. In some places, they were even thicker. A dance party was happening on the roof of one place across the road. Street vendors were out in force, selling food and drink. There didn't seem to be any rules about public drinking. Then again, almost no one drove vehicles, so drunk driving wasn't a concern. Besides most of the drinks weren't alcoholic, per se. They might have intoxicating herbs in them, but they weren't alcoholic.

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