Episode Five: Adam #23

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Lannister looked up as his father entered Lannister's office. He'd escaped down here shortly after his fight with Frank Senior. He felt bad for his outburst, but honestly, he didn't regret it. It needed to be said. Frank Senior was as much, or more, to blame for the whole situation then Adam.

He nodded at his dad, who took a seat opposite him.

"Just thought I should look over some of these reports," Lannister lied.

"You've a station to run," his dad agreed. "Doesn't stop orbiting on our account, I imagine." They sat in silence for a few minutes. "About . . . I don't know what to think about any of it. Transgender, Kurgara, whatever." He held up a hand to stop Lannister's protest. "You're right. In this family loyalty is important. So is respecting your mother and father. I guess what I'm trying to say is this: it's a tough call. One of the toughest this family has faced. And you made it. I may not know what to think, but I do respect the hell out of you for making it."

Lannister blushed. "Thanks. That means a lot."

"It's going to be hard for her," Dad said. "Adam. Whatever comes, it's going to be hard. I'm glad she has you on her side. She's just a kid, and she needs guidance."

She, her and Adam, Lannister thought. And then he reminded himself, baby steps. It's a start.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm trying. I've insisted zie finish her education. If zie still wants to join this order, I'll do what I can to assist. If not, if it proves to be not what zie wants, zie can come back here. I'll support hir until zie figures out what zie wants."

Dad nodded his approval. "Well, I should let you finish your work. I just wanted to tell you how I felt."

"Thanks. I won't be long."

As his family lined up to say their goodbyes the next morning, Lannister was surprised to find he would miss them, some of them anyway.

After the huge outburst, the rest of Christmas had gone fairly well. Frank Senior stayed at the pub the rest of the day, coming home late and very drunk. He'd gone straight to bed without talking to anyone. He was hungover this morning and had barely uttered a word over his morning coffee.

Without his presence, Linda had even managed to call Adam by hir right name, though she screwed up as often as she got it right. But she was trying. Dad had asked more questions about the Kurgara and seemed genuinely interested. He wished Adam luck with getting in and commented that it fit with the family tradition of military service.

Now they had their bags packed and were ready to go. Frank Senior gave him a surly nod and waited by the door. Dad gripped his hand firmly and gave him a half-hug. Mom, who had been busy fussing over Peeta and how he was "practically family," finally let him go and gave Lannister a hug and kiss on the cheek. Linda gave him a warm, genuine hug and a whispered thanks for looking out for "her baby." Frank Junior gave him a high-five.

Linda hugged Adam. "Maybe when your dad takes his fishing trip this summer, Junior and I will come back?" she offered.

"Yeah, I'd like that," Adam said.

Lannister saw them as far as the lift, and they shared another round of goodbyes there. When he got back, Adam was waiting for him. "I just want to say," zie began, "how much it meant. You standing up for me. To Dad."

"I meant every word of it," Lannister said. "You're family. And that's more important than what he thinks of you, or how you choose to live your life."

Adam hugged him, tearful. "You know the best part?" zie said, breaking the hug.

Lannister raised a brow.

"You didn't miss a pronoun once. Even though you were furious. You didn't miss once. You probably can't imagine what that means to someone like me, that someone really gets it."

"I can't," Lannister admitted. "But I'm starting to. I should thank you for that. When I was young, I went into the Navy to see new things, have incredible experiences. And I did. But as I get older, I'm starting to realize that new things, new experiences, don't always mean having to go overseas to see them. Meeting new people, learning about their lives . . . there are new things right here under our noses. We are surrounded by people who experience the world differently than we do. And it's just as amazing as discovering a new world." 

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