Episode Three: Eggs #1

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Matt Huskins pulled his collar up to block the worst of the wind. He pulled the stocking cap down to meet the collar. The coat had an emblem on the shoulder, marking him as hospital security. It was a heavy winter coat but the shrill Colorado wind still cut through it, causing him to shiver as he stepped outside.

The night was dark and despite the fierce winds, clear. The stars shone bright above him as he stepped away from the hospital.

Matt loved Colorado, loved living in the mountains. Had dreamt of it since coming here on vacation as a kid. But there were drawbacks. Cold winter nights being one. A small local hospital without a lot of resources being another.

He stopped at the breaker box and flipped the switch, turning on the guidance lights around the helicopter pad. He went and stood on the edge of the pad shivering despite his heavy coat, gloves and hat. He stared up at the night sky, his breath hanging in clouds.

No helicopter could fly in this wind. They'd get dashed against the side of a mountain for sure. They had to put the call out anyway, even with no hope of life flight response. A young mother, too young in Matt's opinion, in premature labor and they had no neonatal intensive care. If even the big hospitals in Denver had much hope, the infant was barely twenty weeks, it would be the youngest to survive ever, if it made it. More likely it would be a late gestation miscarriage instead. He shuddered and suddenly being out here in the cold was better than being inside with the family.

His radio crackled to life. "Dispatch to 107."

"This is Matt."

"Response is on the way. Orbital hopper via the station."

The station? Hope blossomed in his chest. "The station?"

"Roger. Landing in ten minutes."

"But, can they?"

"They say the pad should be sufficient. Patching you through now."

There was more noise and then "Commander Shir, piloting hopper 401. Hey, who's this?"

"Matt, Matt Huskins," he replied.

"Good evening Matt. I've a healer and an egg to deliver to you guys."

A man stepped outside of the hospital and walked to the edge of the pad and lit a cigarette. Matt recognized the grandfather, looking haggard.

"Matt," Shir said over his radio. "Look up at the sky, North West corner. We're gonna burn some atmosphere to get to you." He looked up. There was a glint and then a long streak along the night sky.

"Wish upon a star, eh?" the grandfather said as he came to stand by Matt and watch the star.

"Gonna get your wish too, sir," Matt said. "That's no star. It's a space ship. From Shoshone station. They're sending a healer."

"We are dropping as fast as possible," Shir said in his ear. "Soon I'll have to brake our speed. You'll see a red flare of our boosters and we'll disappear for a time. Then we'll be on ground. Okay?"

"Roger, I mean, yeah," Matt replied. He relayed the information to the man next to him. They watched and Matt thought he could see a tiny red flash just as the shooting star faded.

"Man, who would have thought," the man breathed. "Last year, when we saw those lights. We were all so scared. Now I'm praying for them to get here fast."

Matt chuckled. "Know what you mean." They introduced themselves. A few minutes later headlights flashed over the nearest range and the hopper came coasting in towards them.

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