Prologue: It All Started With A Kiss

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Cover above by @Jennim_03

I tied up my hair in a pony tail while my best friend Melanie busied herself with adjusting my skirt to make it  look shorter. She had somehow come to the conclusion that we needed to look slutty to get attention tonight. I obviously disagreed but didn't bother to stop her knowing how pointless that would be. 

"What the hell, Mel. Pull it up any higher and you can see my butt cheeks," I complained tugging at my skirt. 

"That's the whole point, isn't it?" she smirked and I rolled my eyes in response. "And please untie your hair once we reach the bar, okay? I don't want them to stop us from going in just because you look like a school girl." 

"Fine, fine I will. Why do we have to go again?" I grumbled. Sometimes I wondered how Mel could talk me into things so easily. 

"Do you really have to ask? Ro, senior year starts on Monday. We're in senior year for Gods sake!" she paused for dramatic effect, her hands held up in the air as she looked at me in duress. "I don't know about you but I don't wanna be invisible anymore. Every one's who's someone is gonna be there tonight. We need to make an effort if we want our senior year to be better than all our other miserable years in high school."

I shook my head, wondering when Mel had changed her mind about all our happy moments having lunch by the benches outside the cafeteria. It must have been over the summer where she had miraculously gotten an amazing tan and grew about an inch taller.

"And how is going tonight going to help us? I don't know about you, but I like being invisible. It beats being bullied."

"We're not going to be bullied," she scoffed. "We finally look hot. Hot girls don't get bullied. Besides you-know-who will be there, don't you want him to finally notice you?"

Ah, now I know why Mel always won our arguments. She knew my kryptonite was LB, short for Lucky Blue Smith, star power forward, captain of the basketball team and our high school's equivalent of a Greek God. I'd had a crush on him since middle school but sadly due to social hierarchy, he was way out of my reach. 

"Okay fine, we'd better leave soon before my parents realize we're up to something, " I said checking to see if I looked alright. I slapped my cheeks to give my face some color and then put on my glasses.

"You're gonna take those out later, right?" Melanie gestured at my glasses. 

"Yes boss, I can survive without them I just don't want my parents to be suspicious."

"Clever. You were always the smart one, Ro," she said as she touched up her lip gloss.

We heard a honk from outside and Melanie peered through the window. "Okay, my brother's outside. Come on let's go," she said while stuffing her heels into her bag. 

We rushed downstairs only to be greeted by my parents lounging in the living room with the television on. 

"Hey girls," my dad greeted us. Both my parents gave us scrutinizing stares and my heart started beating faster dreading that they would catch on to us. "Rosalie, isn't that skirt a bit too short?"

"Daaadd, we're only going to be at Mel's house. I wanted to look nice for a change," I grumbled as convincingly as I could while I adjusted my skirt.

"Jared, cut her some slack. You look beautiful honey, you girls enjoy yourselves. We'll see you tomorrow, Rosalie," my mother interrupted. 

My dad placed his hand over my mums shoulder. "Yes girls have fun. No naughty business, okay? Please be careful. There have been several murders reported in the city recently, most of them involving beautiful young girls--"

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