Chapter 58: Surprise Guest

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I had printed out the articles I found this morning and I placed them on the table in front of Harry. I texted him as soon as I had come to a conclusion about Zayn's true motives and he had immediately replied.

Harry picked me up and took me to a local diner not too far from school that had the best waffles in our suburb. In the privacy of our secluded booth I had indulged him on all the information I had gathered and what happened with Zayn last night.

Just thinking about Zayn made my stomach twist in pain and agony. I knew it was extremely stupid to believe that a part of him might have liked me but deep down I still wondered. I still hoped he did.

It was pathetic and plain stupid but no matter how many times my brain told me to snap out of it, my heart always did a double take when I thought about the times he seemed like he cared.

That was precisely the problem. He made me believe he cared. He knew about my nervousness when I twisted my fingers, he cuddled me to sleep the night we spied on my father, he saved me from Derek. What kind of murderer does that?

Those were the things that made me think that maybe, just maybe I wasn't the only one emotionally invested when it came to us. But the evidence before me said otherwise.

I took a sip of my coffee and stared at Harry as he read through the articles. I was starting to feel drowsy and we only had an hour before school started. I had a feeling I was going to doze off in one of my classes today. I made a mental note to sit somewhere inconspicuous at the back among st the back benchers.  

After I had drained my cup of coffee and ordered another one Harry finally finished reading the last one. He took a bite of his waffle and closed his eyes looking like he was in heavenly bliss. 

I mean the waffles were tasty but were they that good? I stared at him wistfully. Harry looked extremely well rested compared to me. I probably would have enjoyed my waffles more if I had an appetite and didn't feel like I was a walking zombie. 

"How's your stomach?" I asked before I took a bite of the waffle on my plate. It felt like rubbery tasteless dough in my mouth and I had to struggle to swallow it.

"Much better. Doesn't hurt at all today," He smiled.

I eyed him skeptically. Was he lying? Because I could've sworn I saw him wince when he sat down.

"I must admit," He paused and took another bite of his food. "Your theory seems pretty plausible. It actually makes sense."

My shoulders slumped in relaxation and I smiled at him gratefully. 

"If it's true, all you have to do is outlast him at his game. Drag it on long enough and hopefully he'll get bored of you and leave you alone," Harry said.

If only it was that easy.

"I don't think he'll let me go so easily. I've seen his face. I know what he is. If he's ever caught I could easily attest to his existence. I'm a loose end, he can't afford to leave me alone," I replied sadly. I had been thinking about this all morning. There was no way I was going to survive this unless I did something.

"You're overthinking it. If he leaves you alone and if you do talk to someone about it, who's to say they will believe you? You have no proof besides this theory," Harry pointed out. "That wound on your neck will fade in a few days. And if they find out about the fork in your room, you're done."

I nodded in agreement as a surge of hope rushed through me. He was right. Zayn could leave me alone if he got bored and I would never be a threat to him. Who would believe a vampire had been harassing me since school started?

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