Chapter 25: A Friend In Need

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I tried to focus on steadying my breathing but it was somehow beyond my control at that point. Every breath I sucked in didn't feel like it reached my lungs and my heart continued to pound furiously against my rib cage as if compensating for the lack of oxygen. 

I gasped again, taking in a huge breath of air but there was no difference. I still felt like I was struggling for air and my vision blurred again. 

I could feel my body moving and I knew someone was holding my hand, taking me somewhere. My eyes felt heavy and the need to shut them was so strong I had to blink a few times to make sure I was still awake. I stumbled slightly and I felt the hand around my wrist tighten it's hold.

"Steady," The sound of blood pumping in my ears took prevalence over his voice but I could still recognize it.

In the midst of huffing and puffing I tried my best to focus on the hand around my wrist and from there my gaze shifted to his forearm and then his plain white t-shirt, until it finally landed on the back of his head. As expected I saw shoulder length brown hair that curled at the ends. 


We finally stopped walking and I felt him release my wrist before placing them on my shoulders. He then gently pushed me against the wall and took a step back. For a second my vision cleared and I could see his piercing green eyes focused on me but then everything went blur again as I fought for air.

My whole body was shaking as I leaned against the wall behind me.

"Rosalie you're hyperventilating. You need to breathe in carbon dioxide. Just do this." I heard Harry say and then I struggled to focus on what he was showing me. 

I could roughly make out him cupping his hands over his mouth.

"Breathe in and out like this," he instructed and then he brought my hands together and placed them over my mouth the same way. 

I obeyed immediately, inhaling and exhaling when he told me to. This was absolutely the worst feeling I had ever experienced and I was desperate to get rid of it. 

My legs felt wobbly and I slid to the ground where I continued breathing in and out in the confinement of my hands. It took a few minutes but my breathing finally slowed down and my heart started beating at a normal pace again.

My vision cleared as well and I could see Harry crouching in front of me looking worried. I leaned my head against the wall, noticing that we were outside school by the field. The sight of the vast green field before me felt oddly calming. 

"You okay?" Harry asked cautiously and I noticed he looked really uncomfortable in the position he was in. He looked like a spider crouching before me with his long legs bent and his knees jutting out on either side. 

I nodded, still unable to find my voice and then I mimicked him as he slowly stood up, sliding against the wall for support. 

"They should not have done that," He muttered more to himself than to me.

I nodded again but for some reason hearing those words made my eyes water. It brought me back to a few minutes ago where I was surrounded by all those students who before this had no idea who I was and yet now they looked at me like they knew exactly who I was.

The girl who stabbed their very own star basketball player. The murderer. 

How could they accuse me of something so serious? And they had the audacity to paint those words on my locker. The situation was getting out of control and I had no idea what to do about it.

I closed my eyes wishing I could rewind the clock to two weeks ago. If I knew what I did now, I would never have gone to that damn bar with Melanie. Instead I would have sat at home and watched television with my parents or something. Who cares about their petty arguments, listening to them quarreling was nothing compared to this.

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