Chapter 2: Night Changes

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The cafeteria was a buzz with news of Riverton High's mysterious new student. Whispers filled the air drowning out any other less momentous events such as me running out of class to throw up every bit of food I had in my stomach.

I had to admit I was thankful for the distraction but my mind was still in a state of chaos, my stomach in knots from retching incessantly just a couple of hours ago. My hands were wrapped around my waist as I rocked back and forth silently, my eyes trained on the dark haired boy sitting a few tables away.

"You okay Ro?" Mel asked from across the table. She picked up a cherry tomato and bit on it, her eyes never leaving my face. "Heard about your little escapade in Mrs. Montgomery's class."

Damn it, so my story was worth the circulation after all.

She must have noticed my cheeks reddening because she quickly reassured me that not many people knew about it.

"I'm fine, must've eaten something a bit off this morning," I said hoping she would just drop it but I could tell she didn't believe me. My mother authored cook books for God's sake, bad food would've been the biggest insult to her ever. But I had no choice, any other explanation would have warranted another question and I could not afford that, not when I myself didn't know what the hell was going on.

"You heard about the new kid?" I asked knowing just the right topic to get her off my case.

"Oh my God, who hasn't? He is the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen," she gasped bringing her hands to her head. I smiled to myself, just like that I had her hook, line and sinker.

Next to her, Jake scoffed loudly. "Please girls, I've seen better and by better I mean that face I see in the mirror every morning." He smiled proudly whilst flexing his muscles as he winked at Mel.

She laughed loudly before leaning into him. "If you say so."

I didn't miss the way his face lit up at her touch. They were so cute together it was ridiculous.

"Jake anyone who has a face looks better than you in the morning, even my grandfather," Aurora Embry countered sarcastically. She sat beside me with her legs crossed daintily over one another, her hair tied up high in a pony tail. Her bright yellow cheerleader uniform clashed with her dark ebony colored hair reminding me of a bumble bee, in her case a very pretty one.

Just as the words left her mouth, the group started teasing her with all kinds of hilarious come backs.

"Aurora watches her grandad in the morning!"

"Someone has grand daddy issues."

A smile tugged at my lips as I watched a scowl mar her picture perfect features.

She was Jake's best friend and she was famous for spouting ridiculous insults. I remember once being the subject of her slander in middle school but as we sat side by side today, she had been nothing but harmless.

A year ago today, we would have been sitting outside at the benches by ourselves. But instead here we were, Melanie and I, at the popular table seated side by side with our high school's elite. Mel's plan had worked wonders for her that night and she was a natural as she mingled with everyone else. I on the other hand sat idly by the edge, counting down the minutes till the bell rang.

Sitting here felt like walking on egg shells. I was unsure of what to say, what not to say so instead I kept my lips tightly sealed, occasionally laughing at what the others said. They barely noticed me there making me feel like a waste of space.

Engulfed in loneliness my eyes wandered the cafeteria, spotting two people who looked just as lonely.

Only two people sat alone;Jennifer Goodley, a girl who talked to herself making her an easy target for bullies and Harry Styles, Riverton High's brooding bad boy with an infamous temper I'd only ever heard about. Unlike Jennifer, he actually chose to be alone but nobody knew why.

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