Chapter 42: Stalker

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I could hear people whispering around me but my eyes felt as heavy as boulders as I struggled to open them. They finally fluttered open and I found myself in a room much like the one from my nightmare.

I was lying on a white bed, surrounded by white walls. The only difference was that the door was brown and there were medical supplies strewn all over a table on my left. Some movement caught my attention and I looked up to see someone standing by the window.

My eyes were heavy with fatigue, I had to squint to focus but for a split second I thought I was looking at an angel.

The person had on a white coat and her golden hair seemed to glow in the miserable amount of sunlight that shone through the window. When I finally recognized her it felt like my heart had stopped beating.

What was Mikaela Stratford doing here?

"Oh you're awake." She remained expressionless as she looked up from the pile of papers she was sorting through.

I tried to reply but the only thing that came out of my mouth was a gurgled indecipherable noise. My parched throat didn't help the situation either.

She quickly opened a cabinet and took out a paper cup. She then filled it with water and handed it to me. Still not quite understanding how and why I was here I took it from her and gulped down everything in a few seconds. 

"Slow down," She murmured and I noticed she had sat down on the bed I was lying on next to my feet.

"What happened to me?" I finally asked. 

"You fainted," She answered bluntly. She was studying my face like it was a textbook and it was making me nervous.

"I did?" I asked in astonishment. 

"Yes, your anemic. Your haemoglobin count was extremely low, any lower and you would have needed a blood transfusion."

I sank back against the pillow and stared at her with wide eyes. "I'm anemic?"

Her gaze shifted from my face to my hand now. I lifted it up and noticed the bandage had been changed. The dressing was definitely better but when I moved my hand it burned like hell. I quickly dropped my hand and frowned at the discomfort.

"Why is it burning so much?" 

"It was pretty deep and the wound was very inflamed. We had to apply an antiseptic to prevent an infection. That's probably what's causing the stinging," She answered smoothly as she crossed her legs over each other. 

"Who's we? Why are you here? How do you know all of this?" I asked defensively. I didn't like her seeing me like this. I didn't want anyone to see me like this.

She smiled at my little outburst looking more amused than anything. "It's just Nurse Judy and I. I volunteer here during my free periods."

"You do?" The idea of Mikaela volunteering in the nurses office seemed so unbelievable to me. It felt like someone had just told me unicorns existed. 

"Yup," She answered and then she got up and went back to sorting through the same pile of papers. "How did you get that wound?" 

Images of Zayn grabbing my wrist and sinking his fangs into my palm flitted through my mind. He had dragged his fangs along my skin so that it looked like deep gashes instead of bite marks and it had hurt like crazy. I shivered involuntarily and she paused what she was doing, noticing my reaction.

"I...I fell over the pavement and my hand landed over a hard rock," I answered as confidently as I could. I should be an expert in lying by now but sadly that was far from the case.

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