Chapter 20: Cafeteria Buddies

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I stood facing the mirror on my dressing table with one hand holding the pendant and the other holding the fork. One hand held the promise of hope whilst the other made my heart sink with dread.

It was already dark outside and even though I hadn't seen Zayn since the night of the party darkness still brought the possibility of his presence.

I placed the fork down on my dressing table and put on the necklace. The feel of it's cool metal lying against the base of my neck somehow calmed my nerves. I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The pendant shone against my skin looking more beautiful than ever.

Finally feeling safe I turned around and walked to my bed. Tonight was probably the first time I actually wanted to see Zayn come through my window. Not for his company but for my own peace of mind.

I sat down and stared at the window. It was almost bed time now, he should be here any moment. The moment he came through my room window I was going to throw that damn fork at him and ask him to explain. The image of him getting hit by something made me smile widely. After what he'd put me through he deserved at least a little amount of pain.

I fiddled with the pendant as I counted the seconds till he arrived but seconds turned to minutes which eventually turned to hours. That was when the uncertainty started settling in. Did I make him up? Was Zayn really just a combination of a fork in my kitchen and my imagination?

My heart started beating faster than necessary. Suddenly the feel of the pendant on my skin wasn't so soothing anymore.

"Shit," I got up and started pacing around. Finally I walked up to the window and peaked outside.

"Zayn?" I whispered desperately. Now was not the time for him to leave me alone. "Zayn!" I half whispered half shouted this time. Disappointment flooded my veins as I was met with silence. "I need you right now."

Nothing responded and I immediately felt ridiculous for talking no one in particular. I trudged back inside feeling extremely downtrodden and demotivated. Why did he have to choose today of all days to not torment me?

Before I got back in bed I took the fork that was lying idly on the table, wrapped it in a sock and stashed it away in one of my drawers. No one was going to find it in there.

Although crestfallen my heart still held the hope of Zayn suddenly appearing and then smirking his way into my room but as I lay in bed waiting for him I eventually fell asleep with my questions unanswered and my hopes in vain.


School was a whole new ball game today. This week started off distinctively different than the last with two very glaring issues; Melanie and I practically avoided each other all morning and the whole school was talking about Derek being stabbed at Jake's party.

It didn't come as a surprise to me that everyone knew I was one of the last people to be seen with him. Aurora and her gang of broadcasters must have been behind that and I was pretty sure at least a few people from the party would have seen us talking.

I tried to be strong I really did, despite the fact that practically everyone stared my way and whispered about me but when some one murmured the word murderer as I walked past them I quickly ran to the washroom and locked myself in one of the stalls.

A tear threatened to roll down my cheek and I quickly rubbed it away. I hated high school, I hated all those people who said stupid things without even realizing the impact of their words. I was no murderer. It was Zayn who bit Derek not me. Zayn the vampire. Zayn who was conveniently missing last night, the night before and ever since I found the two tine fork.

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