Chapter 52: Kareena

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I made my self comfortable in the passenger seat of Harry's car. Although I had gotten a reasonably good night of sleep last night which was honestly rare for me I still felt like I hadn't slept a day in my life.

My body was drunk with exhaustion as I slumped against the leather seat. My mind was all over the place right now. 

I was excited that we were finally going to do something about figuring out Harry's map of clues and my problem by looking for Kareena. She might be able to help us by telling us exactly what happened to Sally.

The excitement was written all over my nerve wracked expression but underneath that was a latent discomfort that had settled under my skin from the night before. It was over shadowed and hidden but it was always there.

And it started the moment Melanie told me about Derek. He had gotten into a fight and he was now suspended, not to mention his scholarship was also on the line which meant the future he had been so confident about was now on the line too.

I didn't like the guy in the least. Despised him even but I knew my role in all of it and besides feeling guilty I couldn't help but feel a little afraid too.

It was no secret that I had been the one who sparked the rumors of him trying to rape me. I hadn't spelled it out for everyone but they all knew what I had been talking about. What happened after was purely out of my control and I hoped Derek knew that.

I hoped he didn't blame me for everything even though a part of me was sure that he did. I didn't even know why I was scared of this fact. 

I brushed it off and stared at the road ahead. We had just exited our suburb and we were now heading down the freeway towards the city.

"Have you taken your medication?" Harry's voice interrupted my thoughts and I turned to look at him.

His eyes were focused on the road ahead, his eyebrows knitted in a small frown as he concentrated on where we were headed. His wavy brown hair was down as usual. He had tucked it behind his ears but a few strands had escaped and they hung loosely against his cheek. It was always amusing to watch him tuck it behind his ears in annoyance only to have it fall in his face again.

"Yes, I have," I responded, feeling like a child reporting to a parent. We had dropped by the pharmacy before leaving the suburb to pick up my prescription of iron tablets. I had taken the required dose almost immediately but I didn't feel any different. Perhaps regular consumption would make a difference.

Harry nodded his head as he looked at the GPS and took an exit.

I tried to keep my eyes open but eventually succumbed to the exhaustion and fell sleep. I woke up after a while and realized we had been driving for almost an hour now. 

"Are we in the city?" I asked and then I rubbed my tired eyes in an attempt to wake up.

"Yup. Good morning sleeping beauty," Harry teased.

"Good morning," I smiled, playing along even though it was now evening. The sky outside was a dull grey and I noticed each building we passed looked more run down than the previous one. The paint had peeled off their walls and they were all covered in graffiti. I saw pictures of skulls, numbers and a whole lot of cuss words painted everywhere.

We passed a group of people sitting by a small fire. They were huddled up against one another in worn out warm clothing that didn't really fit them. I saw a few children as well, in torn clothing running around the fire. 

"Are they homeless?" I nodded in their direction. They all looked up us as we drove by and I froze slightly when an old man locked eyes with me. His eyes were clouded and pale like he had cataracts, I wondered if he could actually see but the way he stared said otherwise.

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