Chapter 35: Back To Reality

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I was so caught up with memories of last night I barely listened as my parents chatted away with Harry about God knows what during breakfast. It was a wonder my brain even worked considering my head was throbbing harder than speakers at a music concert.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as my nails tried to dig into the hard teak wood of my dining table. The pain it caused a welcome distraction to two things; my splitting headache and my dad's cheerful voice.

It didn't come as a surprise to me when I found out my mother had forced Harry to come in and join us for breakfast. What did surprise me was how nice my father had been about the whole thing. Considering how he looked like he wanted to stab Harry with a fork just two nights ago.

I also couldn't stand his voice today or his face. He was just too cheerful and the fact that I knew why while everyone else here remained oblivious made me feel sick.

Thankfully no one seemed to notice how pissed off I looked. I stuffed my face with the pancakes in front of me and gulped down my coffee with my body turned away from my dad. 

If I hadn't seen Harry sitting at the table I would have skipped breakfast all together but in a way Harry being here was probably a good thing. At least I got to eat something even though the normally delicious pancakes tasted like rubber today.

It was obviously just me because Harry was snarfing down pancake after pancake like he hadn't eaten in days. He caught me staring and then he shot me a querulous look.

I quickly looked down and grabbed my cup of coffee, finishing it in one huge gulp. Coffee never disappointed me ever, it even seemed to help with my hangover. 

I then stood up with my almost empty plate and grabbed Harry's empty one before he could take another pan cake.

He shot me a look and so did my mother but I ignored them both and marched into the kitchen. I'd had enough of everyone's cheerfulness. If only they knew.

I overheard Harry thanking my mother for breakfast and soon enough he was by my side.

"What was that about?" He whispered. 

"We need to leave. I don't want to be late," I responded mechanically. I then grabbed my bag that I had thrown over the couch earlier and walked towards the front door. My parents remained silent until I left and I ignored their stares. 

Just for courtesy's sake I threw in a few words before walking out the door. 

"Bye mum see you later."

It didn't take long for Harry to catch up with me. Once we were in the car instead of putting the keys in the ignition he turned my way with his signature frown on his face.

"Rosalie, tell me why you look like crap today? And why you barely talked to any of us this morning?"

I tucked in a few loose strands of hair and smoothed my plaid shirt as I scowled at him visibly offended by his insult.

"I think I look pretty okay for someone who barely slept last night," I countered. "Can we please leave. I'm sure my parents are spying on us right now."

We both looked back at the house and sure enough there they were, hiding behind the curtains. If I wasn't so pissed at them I would have laughed. Harry on the other hand smiled in amusement as he started the engine and drove off.

I leaned my head against the window and stared at all the familiar houses in my neighborhood. Some were empty but most of them had people in their driveways. Parents who were seeing off their children before they left for school. Couples who got into their respective cars not before kissing each other goodbye.

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