Chapter 22: Innocent till Proven Guilty

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I leaned against the locker for support as I watched Harry's retreating form disappear into the crowd of students rushing to their respective classes.

A week.

That's all I had to prove that Zayn existed, someone who'd conveniently disappeared into thin air these past few days. And here I thought Zayn leaving me alone would be the best thing to ever happen to me.

It took me a few moments to realize the hallways were almost empty by now. I quickly rushed to my next class which was Calculus. It's funny how all my life the only problems that really bothered me were the ones in my Maths text books and now that I had a real life problem, I had no idea how to solve it.

And thanks to Harry I only had a week to do so.

I was already five minutes late when I walked in. I apologized quickly and then sat in a corner where I found myself spacing out ever so often. Mrs. Johanssen wrote an equation on the board and then she turned around and asked us to find the value of x accurate to eight decimal places.

Someone answered and then I zoned out when that person got it wrong and others chimed in. My mind was fixed on Zayn and how much I hated him. I thought about his hurtful words, his cryptic ones that left me so confused and then my thoughts wandered to the way his hair fell across his forehead, his dark brown eyes that sometimes looked black and his lips. They were so pink. And soft.


I snapped out of my daze to see the whole class staring at me. Mrs. Johanssen was staring at me apprehensively as well and for a minute I thought it was because she wanted me to solve the equation on the board but then I saw someone standing by the door.

"You're needed in the principal's office," Mrs. Johanssen said.

At that point my heart was beating furiously and yet my body felt numb. I nodded blankly and then walked out of the classroom. The lady from the principals office didn't utter a word, she just gestured for me to follow her. I walked a few steps behind while my mind thought of all the worst possible scenarios of what was about to happen.

She lead me into the office - the only other time I was ever here was when I enrolled- and asked me to take a seat. I complied and sat down all the while looking at the principals door. A large wooden door with a metal plaque that had the name Principal Wilson written on it.

He was a kind man and a pretty easy going principal but that still made me nervous. Why was I here?

His door swung open and then a student walked out. I'd seen him before and I knew he was someone from my year. His shoulders were slumped as he walked out and he shot me a knowing look before leaving the office.

I shifted nervously in my seat, wondering what he knew. I rubbed my palms together to get some feeling into them, they were all sweaty and cold.

"Rosalie Franklin?"

My eyes shot up to the tall, lanky man standing outside the principals office. Principal Wilson. His tweed jacket frayed at the seams and his thin rimmed glasses did little to hide his tired eyes. "Come in."

I gulped and then reluctantly stood up. My shoes felt like they were filled with lead as I trudged passed him into his office.

His room was as messy as I remembered. His desk was cluttered with papers and files strewn all over, his cabinet was half open with files jutting out of its drawers and the chairs were arranged haphazardly, which made the room look smaller than it really was.

Once I was inside I noticed two men standing by the window. They were in uniform and my eyes widened at the sight of gun holsters tucked at their sides.

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