Chapter 69: Ultimatum

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The sheets shift at my feet waking me from the slumber I didn't realize I had fallen back into. The room was dark and extremely quiet. I squinted my eyes at the black figure hunched over the foot of my bed. A hand reached over and stroked my foot making me jerk away. 

Even in the shadows I could make out that his dark eyes were focused on my face. I didn't know whether I felt relieved or afraid about seeing him here and I cautiously looked around for any sign of my parents. I remembered my dad saying he would be staying the night but there was no one else in the room.

"There's no one else here. Didn't I tell you once before? In the end it would just be you and me?" Zayn's words caused knot of fear to form in my stomach and for a brief second I actually considered that my father had left me.

Then I remembered my parents discussion about putting me into an institution for the mentally unstable. He wouldn't leave me before getting rid of me properly.

I tried to speak, scream, curse at Zayn because I was so angry. It had been his plan all along. Me jumping into that river, my parents assuming I had tried to kill myself. The timing had been perfect. It had been right after my mother had told me she was planning to divorce my father and drag me into the middle of all of it. Any person would have expected me to act out in some way.

I just never expected that person would be Harry and that he was the match that had lit the fire. In fact I didn't even think Zayn had expected him to play a key role in the success of his plan.

Now I was going to be admitted in some insane asylum with people who would drug me and doubt my every word and Zayn would have all the time in the world to torture me, drink my blood and eventually kill me.

The whole thing sounded like a nightmare. 

I tried to yell but my throat was so dry it felt like it was being grated by sandpaper as a miserable squeak left my lips. 

Zayn chuckled in response and scooted closer. 

"Are you angry, Rosalie? I can't really hear you," He mocked in a soft sing song voice. "You must be wondering why I'm here and where are your parents."

I nodded my head and noticed a glass of water on the table next to me. I turned to reach for it but Zayn stopped me by grabbing my hands and pinning them to my sides. My eyes stung as he pressed onto both hands keeping them in place and the one with a needle in it hurt like crazy.

He leaned in, not bothered that I was in pain and spoke quietly.

"I think you already know your fate once they send you to an institution, right?" 

I just stared at him as the pain in my hand doubled. 

"You don't have to respond, just nod your head if you understand what I'm saying," He commanded urgently.

I nodded my head slowly, suddenly wary of where he was going with this. Why did he look so serious and why was he hurting me like this?

My eyes watered slightly not from the pain but from knowing that I was going to die in the near future and there was nothing I could do about it. The feeling of powerlessness flooded my body and burned me from within, it felt like acid in my veins. 

Zayn sighed softly at my reaction and released the hand pressing on top of the needle sticking into my skin. He then cupped my face and stared at me lovingly. 

"I know. I don't want it to end that way either. Nothing good comes of it. I'll be miserable and there will be one loose end that I will need to take care of." He stared at me, observing my reaction but I didn't understand. 

Insanity Bites |z.m| |h.s|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt