Chapter 14: Not So Nice

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My eyes darted back and forth between Mel and Aurora. The sound of my frantic heart somehow managed to drown out the excruciatingly loud music around us. I tried to catch Mel's eye but her attention was solely focused on Amanda and now Jake, who had walked in out of no where to join them.

"I just need to get through," I seethed, staring at Aurora in the most intimidating way I could think of but it only made her laugh at my expense.

"Why? So that you can play third wheel to your best friend all night? It's an important night for her and we wouldn't want anything getting in the way," Aurora blatantly said and no matter how strong I tried to be, I could not help but flinch at her words.

"I just need a drink," I lied and then tried to push through but these bunch of girls were impenetrable. 

"Derek will get you one," another cheerleader named Pia sneered. 

"God dammit! What is wrong with you people? What did I ever do to you?" I cried in frustration as I looked at Aurora.

"It's not so much what you did. It's just your presence. Just because you've started sitting with us, doesn't mean you should forget where you came from." She looked at her nails and then back up at me. 

"Hey girls," Derek interrupted and I realized he was now standing next to me with a drink in both hands.

Aurora's eye narrowed on his face and then mine before she grinned the type of grin villains wore when they knew something the victim didn't. 

"Hey Derek, I see you've met Rosalie. Well I don't want to interrupt, have fun you two." Thankfully she began backing away but before she left she leaned in and spoke. "A little tip from me to you dear, he kinda likes it rough. Have fun though."

I shot her a disgusted look and watched as they retreated into the kitchen. To my surprise Mel and Jake were already missing, only Amanda remained where I last saw her. She joined Aurora and the gang as they took a few shots from the drinks table. 

"Hey don't listen to her, okay? Lying's like second nature to her," Derek whispered into my ears and I jumped not realizing how close he was. 

"It's fine, I don't believe her anyway," I craned my neck looking around for Mel but she was no where to be seen. A lump formed in my throat as I realized what she could be doing at this very moment. 

Great, of all the times I needed her this was probably the most important and God knows where she was giving up what she'd preserved for seventeen years to a guy she's only known for a week. Classy Mel, real classy. 

"You wanna dance?" Derek asked and I noticed how hopeful he looked. 

"Umm not right now," I smiled taking the drink from him. The last time I drank didn't end so well for me so I made a mental note to stick to just one drink tonight. I took a sip and scowled at the taste. Yuck, it smelled and tasted like the alcohol in the chemistry lab. 

"What the hell's in this?" I asked wishing I could spit it out.

Derek laughed at my expression and lead me towards the sliding doors again. I reluctantly gulped down the liquid and I could feel it burn my throat.

"It's a mixture of vodka and cranberry. I thought you'd like it," He smiled and ran a hand through his hair nervously. I had to admit he was quite cute.

Feeling a little bad for blatantly criticizing his choice of drink, I quickly thanked him for getting me one. "I'm sure I'll get used to it, thank you for the drink and for saving me from Aurora's wrath."

We were standing away from the crowd now and I could hear him without straining. I leaned against the glass paneled door resisting to look out into the garden. I could feel his eyes on me, lurking in the shadows. The only thing I was praying for was for Mel to appear so that I could show her he existed. She was the only one who knew about my predicament with Zayn.

Insanity Bites |z.m| |h.s|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon