14. Good & Healthy People

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I can't even apologize more, Gators ! I am so horribly sorry for being so slow with this update and not having time to write and if I'm being honest, I have had some time to type. I've just been having some really sickening writers block, but worry not! For I am back! :)
Hope this chapter makes up for my delay! :(
Love you, Gators with all my hearts ;) lol


The rest of our vacation was spent at Sky's vacation home, made by a vote. We did go to a lake near his house and also went hiking, so our vacation wasn't so boring. The sad part was, the rest of my vacation was spent in awkward (To me. Maybe not to them) distance between Sky and I, and Vincent and I as well. I was still thinking of what Sky had said to me, but do I really have to make a decision? I mean, it's not like I'm dating any of them.

I face-palmed myself for not realizing that sooner. I wasn't dating them. There was definitely no need to choose something I don't need to have. Yes, it might seem as a life or death want for someone like Katie, but not for me. Just like sugar gives you diabetes and junk food makes you fat; those boys weren't healthy for me.

I mean, even if I were to make a choice, what let's me know Sky won't just want a one nightstand? Vincent might say he's changed, but how do I know that?

Me and Hazel had been in Vincent's car. Yup. Sky asked Katie to ride with him, possibly because of me. My eyes traveled the whole way back home on Sky's head and rear viewing mirror. I thought he would look back, but he never did. In fact, he had the audacity to put his arm around Katie and start smirking at her, making her giggle at something he had whispered in her ear.

One minute, he's telling me to choose and the next he's flirting with other chicks.

And they say women are complicated.


I woke up, scratching my head and walking to open the door to whoever was knocking loudly outside Sky and I's dorm. As I opened my bedroom door, Sky had walked out of his room as well to open the door too.

"Sky... Morning..." I blushed as I witnessed his morning body, seducing my eyes to scavenged every inch of it.

"You done staring?" He asked, ironically giving me an uninterested vibe filled with annoyance.

"Oh... I wasn't-"

"Answer the damn door." He interrupted and walked back in his room without saying another word.

"Okay..." I whispered to myself a bit hurt.

He couldn't possibly be mad at me, right? I mean I didn't do anything. I just... didn't choose someone. Maybe that's why he's giving me the cold shoulder.

I walked to the banging still on my door.

"Yes, yes, yes. I'm coming!" I turned the knob and noticed a boy with light blue eyes.

My heart dropped and embarrassment astounded me by the way I looked. I had boxers on with a tank top. My hair was nappy and I probably looked like Frankenstein.

"I... I'm um... I'm..."

"Alexandra. I've seen you around campus." His deep husky voice chuckled.

"Yeah. I'm her. I mean, I'm me! I mean, Alexandra is me." I giggled like an idiot.

"I see." He chuckled once more, melting my ears off. "I'm Blake."

Even his name is sexy!

"H- Hi, Blake. I'm Alex." I smiled, nervously.

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