16. I Love You

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His eyelashes seemed so delicate in the slim darkness. My hands slid across his toned chest and made me want to keep his body wrapped around mine. My manicured fingers faintly brushed every inch of his arm up to his sharp jawline; so sharp it could cut diamonds. Taking in his sleeping self, I bent over and kissed his forehead. My hands traveled to his hair next, brushed his insanely tameless jungle and appreciated everything my eyes landed on.

He was just so... perfect.

But I knew him and he's just like everyone else.

Not perfect. No one's perfect.

Light peaked through the windowsill, restarting our day as if any day could have been better than last night...

"...well, because I'm in love with you."

Everything he said was just perfect, but sooner or later he would mess up again. Like everyone else. I want to give him a chance, I do... but I just realized that those words were triggers for me.

Triggers to happiness, fear, sadness, and excitement.

And it's not all sunshines and rainbows waiting on the other side of the storm sometimes. Sometimes there's more rain and thunder coming up behind it.

"I know, Sky."

I'm sorry, but I couldn't say it back. I'm just not ready.

"Your staring, Al."

That nickname... how cute.

"Am I?" I responded to his dreamy voice.

His eyes flickered open to a squint. His beautiful eyes stared at mine and slowly his gorgeous grin appeared.

"How can you be so beautiful?" He asked, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

I'm not gonna lie, his breath was burning my nose hairs, but his patient voice was making it so bearable.

I responded with a smile. My heart skips out of my heart when he makes me smile like this.

"You know... you never answered me."

My heart melted and cried.

I do love you. But I want to make sure of who you are first and if I'm in love with you.

"I know." I breathed, my palm resting on his chest.

"Well..." His voice deepened as his face came closer, forcing us to drift off to each other's lips.

His arms squeezed my body and our lips met, inspiring my stomach to go on a sprinting sugar rush! I don't even know what that is, but that's precisely how it felt.

Sweet, soft, unexplainable, and endlessly endless.

The way he moves his mouth and raised my chin slightly to meet his needs, started these urges to moan. Urges I never had with him; not this intensely. The rush to take off my top came so much stronger than before.

What did he do to me last night?!

Don't worry, we'll get to that.

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