18. Epic

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I ran to the house. The house where I met Vincent for the first time in two years and a half, after he moved near campus. I breathed real deep and then my body rejected that attempt of nerve control by just huffing loudly.

That wasn't how I imagined I'd relax myself.

"Okay..." I breath and hesitated to knock in the door.

I knocked once and for a minute or two, there was nobody. Which honestly brought me great relief, because I'm such a procrastinator when it comes to my personal issues that I like to believe it'll get better the more I put it on hold.

Even though I don't.

"Alex?" And just when I was about to leave, Vincent...

I turned and automatically smiled. "Vincent!? Hi."

He came out to the porch and held my shoulders in concern. "Are you alright? Is this about Hazel? I-"

"No! It's not about Hazel... it's about us. Me, actually."

He seemed to relax more and his eyes were saying something that I couldn't read.

"Want to come in? I just made some coffee."

I suddenly remember his addiction with coffee and it made me crack a blissful smile. "Right."

He laughed and looked slightly to the ground and back into my eyes. "You know me and coffee have an unbreakable relationship, Alex."

We both laughed and he escorted me in.

I hope this is the right choice.

(Sky's POV)

It had been two hours and I wanted to run to her. It's like this foreign obsession I have over her... I just can't get enough of her and I want her. I need her. And I'm such an idiot for it.

"You are not an idiot." Hazel rubbed my back gently.

I sighed and dropped on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

"But aren't I? And I thought I was the player." I laughed pathetically.

Katie and Hazel chuckled.

"Okay... maybe you kind of are an idiot. But that's not Alexandra. That's you for not understanding her situation. She's a female. Women go through loads of hormones and even after or before our period, we still have a lot of instincts and emotions we have to deal with. Not to mention the mix signals your disgusting kind likes to throw our direction." Katie spoke effortlessly, fixing her hair and makeup in the mirror.

Mix signals?

"Okay, what the hell are you going on about?" I asked, puzzled.

Hazel and Katie looked at each other simultaneously and it kind of creeped me out how synchronized that went.

"Men, my dear boy, are little dogs that need a home. When they find a home, they take the food and piss on the floor and even though they get disciplined, they still like to mess up and bite the neighbors. That, my dear Sky, is what you... and your rival Vincent are. Take it as... nature calling it's behavior." Katie metaphorically explained, which made me even more confused.

I sighed once more and cupped my head in frustration.

"That's why Alex can't seem to choose. You both keep doing things that she loves and things that she hates. You make her feel alive and dangerous and Vincent makes her feel warm and comfortable. That's what you two are doing. Your playing the love triangle on her." Hazel explained further on, kind of pushing her lips to one side.

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