15. Your Now

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"No." I stood my ground.

I can't be the center of these confusing games.

"Alex... please-"

"I said, no, Sky." I said, my lip still quivering a bit.

My eyes met his and his eyes filled themselves with tears. My heart dropped when I saw him start crying.

"Sky... are you cry-?"

Before I could finish my sentence, his body engulfs mine and now he's straddling me on his bed. His hands chained my wrists and God knows I could've kicked him in the manhood, but something told me to let this play out.

"Listen to me. I know I might not be the best you ever had and you probably already gave everything to that other loser, but that doesn't mean we can't make new and happier beginnings or firsts together, Alexandra." His voice shook.

My heart was inches from exploding with emotions and uncontrollable desires I couldn't understand or had the time to introduce myself with. This was all happening so fast and my mind was finally agreeing with my heart and I had, honestly, nothing to lose. He just stood over me in silence, waiting for an answer or response to his inspirational declaration of love, but I just looked dumbfounded. His words did do something to me.

They made me love him even more.

Wow... I said it. I admitted it and it actually feels relieving.

"Come on, Alex. Please say something..." He begged. "I've never been more serious about anyone in my entire life, baby. Yes, Vincent might have had a past and my best friend a future, but let me try and be your now. I promise the time will be worth it."

Whoa... where was all this coming from?

I never knew he felt this way about me.

My heart was racing out of my bust and my lips parted, but no words mustered the strength to come out. I was so enchanted and amazed by every word I encountered with every minute I didn't answer, that I wanted to purposely stay silent just so he could keep whispering sugary sweetness in my ears.

Sky raised me legs around his waist and sat me on his lap. My hands were around his neck and my hair was a mess surrounding us. His hands traveled my body and I couldn't bare the thought of not taking the chance and kissing him, but to my surprise, Sky thought of it first.

His lips smashed on mine and our mouths danced on each other's movements. I couldn't resist, but enjoy every bit of pleasure he was feeding me and I know he felt the same way.

"I want only you, Al." His voice softened, as he backed away and cupped my cheek with one hand. "I wanted to maybe say this over dinner, because it's a really big deal for me... but I think I love-"

Just before the best moment of my life happened, the door was being knocked down. We both jumped from our lusting and romantic trance.

Great timing. Not.

I got off the bed quickly and walked out of his bedroom, opening the door to the principal!

"Oh. Good afternoon, Mrs. Derior." I stiffened.

With no sudden movement, her eyebrow was raised and I instinctively offered her to come in. "Come in."

She walked in and didn't even bother sitting.

"I've been informed that you've been living with..." She cleared her throat. "...a male student?" Her arms were behind her back and her posture was perfect.

Hot DistractionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora