13. No Such Thing

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His hands foraged my body with need and passion, as if suffering deprivation. His lips disconnected from mine, while his hands aborted my body to take his shirt off. His muscles flexed and sweat started to shine off his toned body, forcing my eyes to almost fall out of my head. Now, his costume had been taken off, he picked me up; making me wrap my legs around his waist and continued kissing me. He walked us into his room, closing it behind him and once again interrupted our make out session to pant and drop me on the bed. He slithered his body over mine to raise my body, his eyes examining my every reaction. His hands looked for the zipper on the back never unlocking our eyes, when he finally found it.

As he unzipped my costume, making it fall gracefully off the top of body. His breath hit the edges of my ear lusting and whispering my name.

"Alex... I love you."

I bit my lip, surrendering to his seduction game. My legs were jelly, my heart was pounding, my voice was muted from any rejection or interruptions coming from my reasoning. I was so hypnotized by this historic attraction that I was brave enough to hurt one of my best friends.

His lips locked on mines once more, while his hands helped mine remove the dress completely off my body. His kisses trailed down to my neck, raising my skin hairs and make every cell in my body dance. My hands felt glued to his curvy muscly back and every kiss he planted on a vein under my skin made my breath hitch. That's when he finally got tired of taking it slow and his palm found the clip to my bra and unusually unbuckled it pretty easily, revealing beyond my intimacy. His eyes didnt look though. Not yet anyways. He knew I felt a bit flustered and insecure about my body, so he just closed the gap between our bodies, squishing my chest on his and he smiled warmly at me.

"Your perfect. Don't worry about it, Birdy" He reassured.

My body felt weak to his words and affection. I just couldn't let go of this moment and I never did... until I woke up the next morning regretting it.


I woke up to a warm embrace; bare skin pushed up against mine and a very secure posture I couldn't escape from. My eyes slightly examined the situation before all of last night's events sinked in.

"Oh my God. Hazel's going to kill-"

"Good morning, Birdy." Vincent interrupted my thoughts.

His smile melted my heart and I had to admit I didn't want to leave, but my brain was filled with Hazel and Sky. I cared about both of them and I didn't want to hurt anyone, but now no matter what I do, I'll end up hurting someone.

I slowly got up, not responding to Vincent. I scavenged anxiously for my underwear and bras on the ground and thankfully found them scrambled on the floor and not hiding. I heard shuffling behind me, which meant Vincent didn't get the point.

"Where are you going, Alex?" I heard Vincent ask, although his tone of voice let me know he knew where I was going.

"Well, it wouldn't be a proper walk of shame in progress if I stayed here, now would it?" I chuckled nervously.

I started slipping into my costume, sense that was all I had at the moment. Vincent slipped out of the covers, revealing his complete package - if you know what I mean-.

"Oh God. Vincent..." I breathed in and looked elsewhere as he walked up to me.

He didn't seem embarrased at all. In fact, he actually seemed very comfortable and proud of his body.

"You've seen it, Alex." He answered, uninterested of the topic. "Where are you going? You don't have to go."

I wish I didn't have to, but why do I feel like I'm doing wrong by Sky. I love... like him too. Oh God, did I just admit that? I've officially gone mad.

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