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It was already the 1st of September and as tradition, Harry and Jaime walked through the pool of Muggles of Kings Cross, but this time it was only Jaime who was pushing a trolley. Her trunk with her initials, her newly bought books and school things, and her other bag were all on the trolley. After going through the wall of Platform 9 and 10, Harry and Jaime found themselves in Platform 9 ¾ .

"Harry! Jaime!"

Just coming from the gate were the Weaselys. Mrs. Weasely, Ron and Ginny Weasely, but just like Jaime, it was only Ginny who was pushing a trolley.

"Harry!" Ginny greated Harry, then gave him a hug then turned to Jaime who she gave a hug as well, "I missed you, you to Jaime."

"Missed you too, Ginny." Jaime said.

After their short hug, Ron went to Jaime and gave her a hug, "Hey, Jaime."

"Hello, Ron."

Mrs. Weasely then came and pulled Jaime and Harry to a bone-crushing hug, "Good to see you two – Jaime, do you have your books, all your clothes, anything you need?" Jaime nodded as Mrs. Weasely said her check list, "Very good. Now, you and Ginny go in the train – go now!"

"Bloody hell..." Ron gasped.

"What – what is it?" Harry asked, his head turning to where Ron's eyes were glaring at, "Oh..."

"What the bloody hell is Malfoy still doing here?" Ron said. Jaime turned to where Ron pointed his finger. Draco Malfoy stood by the train with his mother talking to him and probably saying their goodbyes. Jaime involuntarily reached for Harry's hand, the sight of Draco Malfoy made her remember what happened in Malfoy Manor. Harry noticed Jaime's sudden change of mood when she saw Draco Malfoy, and he wasn't happy about that and it made have second thoughts of letting Jaime go back to Hogwarts.. The train blew its horn, signaling that it was about to leave.

"Oh! Ginny, Jaime, off you go!" Mrs. Weasely said.

"Goodbye!" Jaime and Ginny waved back at their family, but Harry pulled Jaime to a last hug, "Take care of yourself, alright? And don't get in to trouble." Harry said.

"I should be saying that to you." Jaime chuckled, after their hug Jaime and Ginny got on the train, as the train started to move, Jaime, still by the door, waved at Harry and the Weaselys, "Goodbye! See you at the holidays!"

"Where's Hermoine?" Jaime asked, she and Ginny were looking for a compartment to sit when Jaime noticed that Hermoine wasn't at the Platform nor was she there to say goodbye to Harry, Ron and Mrs. Weasely.

"She's the HeadGirl, she's probably with the HeadBoy and the prefects – I hope the prefects this year aren't gits, like a certain someone." Ginny said. Jaime knew who Ginny was refering to, it was Draco Malfoy, he was a Prefect during his fifth year and did a great job on abusing his power to bully first years and muggle-borns or anyone in his way.
A compartment door slid open –

"Move it – "

Jaime froze when her eyes met Draco Malfoy's. They stood staring at each other for a long time, that is until Theodore Nott broke their trance.

"Is everything alright, Draco?" Theodore Nott asked. Jaime saw Theodore Nott standing beside Draco and Theodore saw Jaime, and just like Draco, Theodore was shocked to see Jaime, he wasn't really expecting to see Jaime Potter going back to Hogwarts.

"What's going on here? Ginny?"

"Hermoine!" Ginny was the first one to notice Hermoine.

"What's going on?" Hermoine looked pass Ginny and saw the situation, she saw Jaime's shocked state and quickly went to her aid.

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