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Draco sighed in frustration, he never knew that Defense Against the Dark Arts would be a problem. He have mastered the non-verbal an verbal spells and have went to battle, so why was Defense Against the Dark Arts being a big problem to him now? And it was just because of the Patronus Charm! Everyday, Professor Challis is reminding them about the Patronus Charm, who wouldn't be frustration.
Theodore wasn't taking it well, he was actually panicking now, he wasn't really good in dealing with stress, especially in school and if it is about their life.

"How the bloody hell are we going to produce a Patronus without getting killed by our bloody Patronus?" Theodore was already pulling his hair.

"Calm down, Theodore."

"Why aren't you worried?"

"I am, I'm just good in hiding it."

Theodore sighed and just walked beside Draco as they went to their next class which is Alchemy. Draco and Theodore sat at their usual seat, which was with Jaime and Eloise Midgen, when they sat at their seat, Jaime was already there, reading her book Alchemy for Beginners, Draco smirked, "I see someone's very serious with her Alchemy."

Jaime looked up from her book and met Draco's eyes, Jaime blushed a little, "Hey, Draco, when did you get here?"

"Just now." Draco said.

"Hey, Jaime." Theodore said.

"Hi Theodore." Jaime smiled at Theodore.

Professor Kirkwood entered the classroom, he was holding his leather suite case, "Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Professor."

"Yes, yes... now, we will be doing something different. Since I have seen the improvement with you all, we will be advancing to the next lesson..."


"Now, I know this are the steps in Transmutation, but these steps will also help you in our next lesson, we will be creating stones."

"Stones – as in, rocks?" a Hufflepuff said.

"No – these are the rocks we will be creating..." Professor Kirkwood fished something in his suitcase and got out four colored rocks, "These rocks aren't ordinary rocks, these can do extra ordinary things, they have powers. Each one has a different power – like this! This emerald one, it can give more power to the Wizard who uses it. This ruby one can be just like the Confringo spell! We will be creating a stone... turn to page 208 – follow the instructions there – every measurement counts, every clockwise and counter clockwise stir counts and every spell counts."

Everyone turned their books to page 208, Jaime read the name of the stone, "The Healing Stone?"

"Yes, yes, now you all have an hour and a half to do the task... beguine."

Everyone went to get their cauldrons and ingredients and started to do their task. Jaime was actually – for the first time – enjoying it, it was just like Potions, but with a little twist with Charms and Transfiguration. Draco saw the smile on Jaime's face, he checked her cauldron and saw the liquid turn minty green as she did final stir. Jaime noticed Draco's stare and lightly laughed, Draco looked at his own cauldron and laughed as well, Theodore saw what was happening with Draco and Jaime and just shrugged it off, but what he can't shrug off was that the content of his cauldron wasn't as minty green as Draco's and Jaime's.

"Mind telling me how you did that?" Theodore asked.

"Do the healing spell on the cauldron and stir in counter clockwise for five times." Draco and Jaime said.

Theodore and Eloise Midgen stared at Jaime and Draco in surprise, they never expected that from the two of them. Theodore shook his head and did what Draco and Jaime said, and thankfully his liquid turned minty green.
After an hour of working and finishing the first part of the instructions, which was to mix the ingredients together, the hard part comes, it was to form the liquid to a solid, that won't melt. Before Jaime would get a scoop of her minty green liquid, Draco reached for her hand and stopped her.

"Wait, it's a little tricky, I'll help you." Draco said.

"Sure." Jaime said. Draco lets go of Jaime's hand and continued his task, Draco poured his minty green liquid on the Transmutaiton Circle engraved on the table, Draco did a spell so the liquid won't spill out of the circle and it just stayed put inside. Draco used his wand and was transmutating the liquid to solid, after a few minutes of transmutating, Draco was able to transform the liquid to a beautiful minty green stone. Jaime stared in awe at Draco's work. Draco then went to Jaime's side and helped he, he first taught her how the spell to keep the liquid inside the circle, and helped her pour the liquid inside the circle, the liquid stayed put inside the circle, then the hard part started, Draco was giving Jaime the instructions to transmutate the liquid to stone, after a few failed attempts Jaime was able to transmutate the liquid to a stone, a beautiful minty green stone.

"Good job, Jaime." Draco said and went back to his seat, just in time for Professor Kirkwood to see their products.

"Excellent work Mr. Malfoy! Ten points to Slytherin!" Professor Kirkwood then went to Theodore's work, "It's a little squishy, but good job Mr. Nott..." Theodore sighed in defeat, Professor Kirkwood to Eloise's product, it was pitiful, Professor Kirkwood just pursed his lips then turned to Jaime's product, "Well done Ms. Potter! Well done! Ten points for Gryffindor! And I'll be telling Professor McGonagall about your improvement in my subject." After Professor Kirkwood left, Jaime turned to Draco, smiling she said, "Thank you."

Draco smiled back at Jaime, "No problem."

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