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The Hogwarts Express left Hogwarts at exactly ten o'clock in the morning, some students stayed in Hogwarts to spend the Holidays, while the others went home spend the holidays with their families. Jaime sat inside the compartment with Hermoine and Ginny, she had Noctua in his cage beside her, and Hermoine had Crookshanks on her lap.

"Jaime, where did you and Malfoy go?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah, you two just disappeared in the middle of the party!" Hermoine said.

"Just went out to get some air." Jaime lied.

Ginny crossed her arms on her chest and huffed, "You're lying."

"Am not!" Jaime lied, again. Before Ginny can even retort, the Trolly Lady came, "Anything from the Trolley, dears?" The Trolley Lady asked. Jaime got up from her seat, followed by Ginny.

"A box chocolate frogs and a slice of cake." Ginny said to the Trolley Lady.

"That'd be eleven Sickles." Ginny paid for her treats and went back to her seat and shared her cake with Hermoine. "How about you dear?" Jaime looked in the Trolley then found her favorite sweets, "A box of chocolate frogs and some toffee." Jaime said, the Trolley Lady handed her her sweets, "That'd be twelve Sickles." Just as Jaime reached for her pocket to pay for her sweets, someone already gave the twelve Sickles to the Trolley.

"Here... for her sweets."

Jaime turned to see who it was and was a bit surprised that it was Draco who paid for her sweets, "No, Draco – you don't have to." Jaime said. Draco ignored her and bought his own sweets and paid for it. Draco smirked at Jaime, "You're welcome, Jaime." Draco said and went down the hall to go to his compartment. Jaime hesitated, but then followed Draco, leaving a shocked Hermoine and Ginny in their compartment eating their cakes.

"Draco!" Jaime called. Draco stopped and turned to Jaime, "Yeah?"

"Here." Jaime handed him twelve Sickles. Draco smiled, "You don't have to, Jaime, it's my treat."


"No buts – is that the only reason why you ran after me? To pay me back?" Draco crossed his arms over his chest.

Jaime sighed, "No." she reached in to her purse, which had the Undetectable Extention Charm, and got out two wrapped gifts, "My Chrismas gift for you and Theodore." Jaime handed the two wrapped gifts to Draco, both gifts were wrapped in a black box with a silver bow on top and had their Christmas cards.

"Thank you." Draco took the gifts from Jaime, he felt guilty, he forgot to buy a gift for Jaime – maybe it's because he rarely gives gifts in Christmas and is usually the one who gets it. But this time, it's different – he knows for himself that Jaime is one of those people who's very important in his life now.

"Jaime, I'm so sorry – I forgot to get you a gift!" Draco said.

"No, no – it's fine, really, Draco." Jaime chuckled.

"But still." Draco sighed.

"Don't – it's really fine... well I should really get back to Hermoine and Ginny... see you after the holidays, Draco." Jaime said.

"Yeah, see you after the holidays." Draco gave Jaime a small smile, and watched her leave. Just as Draco was about to enter his compartment, he heard Seamus' voice.

"Jaime!" Seamus got out of his and Deans, along with other of his friend's compartment. Draco turned to Seamus and glared at him as he tried to get Jaime's attention.

"Hi, Seamus." Jaime said.

"Here, my Christmas gift to you." Seamus handed Jaime a small box wrapped in red with a gold bow on top.

"Thanks, Seamus – oh, here's yours." Jaime reached in to her purse and gave Seamus his Chrismas gift.

"Thanks – see you after the holidays." Seamus said.

"Yeah, see you after the holidays." Jaime said then left to go back to Hermoine and Ginny. Draco huffed then entered his and Theodore's compartment – he didn't like to be in the same compartment with Blaise, Pansy or Goyle, so he and Theodore got their own. Theodore's attention was taken from his book when Draco slammed the compartment door close.

"Someone's upset..." Theodore said, sitting up from his lying position, "What's that?" he nodded at the gifts that Draco had in his hands.

"From Jaime." Draco said, handing Theodore his gift. Theodore took it from Draco and placed it beside him. Theodore noticed Draco's pissed look and sighed, "Come on, tell me what happened."

"Finnigan." Draco said.


"He's trying as usual."

"And is failing – may I remind you, Jaime doesn't have the slightest interest in Finnigan?"

"But still – he even got Jaime a gitft..."

"And you don't..." Theodore said, pointing out the obvious. Theodore sighed, he took the gift from his seat and lied down on his side of the compartment, "May I remind you, Draco, Christmas is still a few days away – you still have time to get Jaime a gift. Or even me!"

"I know..." Draco sighed, but the question is, what does Jaime like?

The Hogwarts Express arrived in Kings Cross around six in the evening, and in the station were parents and other family waiting for their children that just came from Hogwarts. Harry stood in the crowd with Ron beside him, he was waiting for Jaime, Hermoine and Ginny – he and Ron actually went straight to Kings Cross after their Auror training and waited in the station for an hour. When the Hogwarts Express went to a full stop, many parents were excited to see their children after months of just communicating by letters. Harry stretched his neck to find Jaime in the sea of people, after a while of looking, he finally found her familiar black hair.


Jaime saw Harry and ran at him, "HARRY!" Jaime forgot about her trunk on the floor and tackled Harry to a hug, "I missed you!"

"Missed you too – where are Hermoine and Ginny?" Harry asked as he and Jaime let got of their hug.

"HARRY!" Ginny came and hugged Harry. Ron made a disgusted face and rolled his eyes at them, receiving a slap on the shoulder from Hermoine.

"Seriously?" Hermoine said.

"That's my sister!" Ron said as he puts an arm around Hermoine's shoulder.

"And he's your best friend!" Hermoine said.

Jaime laughed at Ron and Hermoine – even if Harry is Ron's best friend, he is still very protective with Ginny. Jaime wondered if Harry would be like Ron when it came to her – if one day she comes home with a gentleman, would Harry go to 'over-protective-brother-mode'? Or is Harry going to use the petrifying spell at the poor guy? Jaime sighed and went to get her trunk on the ground. She passed the crowd of reuniting parents and children and found her trunk untouched, Jaime bent down to get her trunk, but as she came to grab the handle of the trunk, a pale hand came and got it from the ground and got it on it's wheels.



Draco got Jaime's trunk on its wheels and was handing it to her. Unknowing to the two, Harry saw Draco with Jaime and didn't like it, he quickly left his spot and went to Jaime's side. Hermoine saw Harry's sudden disappearance and saw him going after Jaime, who was with Draco, "Oh no." Hermoine muttered.

"What?" Ron asked, he turned to where Harry was and saw Draco with Jaime, "Bloody Hell, Malfoy's dead."

Harry took Jaime by the shoulder, catching her attention, Jaime turned to her older brother and saw his furrowed brows and stern look.

"Let's go." Harry said.

"Sure." Jaime said, Harry got Jaime's trunk from Draco. Harry was glaring at Draco and ushered Jaime away from him, Jaime turned to Draco with a sorry look on her face and mouthed at him 'sorry'. Draco sighed as he watched Harry drag Jaime away from him and exit Platform and 9 ¾ .


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