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"I congratulate you on our first lesson, Potter." McGonagall congratulated Jaime, it was Saturday and Jaime woke really early for her Animagus lessons with McGonagall, in the Headmistress' office. Since it was Jaime's first attempt to transform to an Animagus, McGonagall first gave her a lesson before she even showed her how to do to.

"Thank you Professor." Jaime smiled.

"Now, off you go, I don't want to take the remaining time of your weekend."

Jaime chuckled, "Goodbye, Professor."

"Goodbye, Potter."

Jaime headed to the door and was about to leave when McGonagall called for her, "Oh, Potter."

"Yes Professor?" Jaime turned to McGonagall.

"I'm sure you know that tonight will be the last night of your and Mr. Malfoy's detention."

"Yes, Professor." Jaime was blushing red in embarrassment.

"Good. I hope that I won't see you in detention again, Potter." McGonagall gave her a stern look.

"Yes, Professor. Goodbye, Professor." Jaime gave a last awkward smile to McGonagall then left her office. Jaime quickly went to the Quidditch field, where she knew Hermoine and Ginny would be. Upon arriving in the field, Jaime saw Hermoine and Ginny sitting on the sides as they watch the Slytherins practice, Jaime quickly went to where her friends were and sat beside Ginny.

"Please tell me why you're watching the Slytherins practice." Jaime said.

"It's for a strategy," Ginny said, "And I booked the field for Gryffindor, after the Slytherins."

"So, Jaime," Hermoine leaned forward to face Jaime, "Mind telling us why you have detention with Malfoy?"

Jaime groaned, "Do I have to? I mean, I'm sure we can still get the forty points we lost!"

"Yes, Jaime, because – it's – still – just – a – week– since– the– year – started – and– you're– already getting – yourself– in – trouble!"

"I want to know as well." Ginny positioned herself to face Jaime. Jaime groaned at the memory, it was around midnight when she and Draco left the Astronomy Tower, and it was actually Draco's idea that they returned to their dorms and get some sleep. But when they entered the castle, after making risky turns in the hallways (Jaime didn't use the Marauders Map since Draco was with her), Mr. Filch and Mrs. Norris caught them. After trying to make an excuse (which actually failed), Mr. Filch took them both by the arm and took them to the Headmistress' office, of course McGonagall wasn't pleased with the situation and as punishment she gave both of Jaime and Draco detention starting the following day and until the weekend and forty points were taken from their house points. After telling the story (Except the part of her comforting Draco) Hermoine was a bit annoyed.

"Give it to me." Hermoine said.

"What?" Jaime asked.

"The map, Jaime."

"What? No!"

"It's clear that that map actually is the cause of trouble, so give it before you even get yourself in more trouble."

"No, Hermoine." Jaime said.

"Alright, let's just forget about the map." Ginny said, trying to ease the tension. Both Hermoine and Jaime sighed and crossed their arms on their chests. Ginny sighed as well, "I'm sure Jaime has a reason why she even followed Malfoy."

"And you reason?" Hermoine asked.

Jaime opened her mouth to say something but no words came out, she tried again but nothing... why did she follow Draco? She could've just let him on his own and went to bed, and maybe he would be in detention, alone. But why did she? Maybe it was the gut feeling that he was up to something – but that was before – everything's different now, she can finally sleep in peace now! Maybe it was just an old habit of hers to think that Draco's up to no good, but she was sure that the war changed Draco in some way – he even hasn't insulted her, her friends, or anyone for the whole week they were in Hogwarts! And he was actually, for the first time, not annoying, and he actually prefers Theodore Nott's company than Goyle's or Zabini's (not to mention, he even ended things with Pansy Parkinson).

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