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"Draco... I've chosen you for this... because I know you can and will succeed... I need you to kill Albus Dumbledore..." Voldemort's voice echoed in Draco's head as if the Dark Lord was beside him, whispering his orders to him.

Draco then found himself at the Astronomy Tower, his wand pointing at Dumbledore.
"You are not an assassin, Draco..." Dumbledore said, even cornered, Dumbledore was still calm.
Snape came to the picture and pointed his wand at Dumbledore.
"Severus, please..." Dumbledore said.

Draco stood in his home, in Malfoy Manor. It was one of those meetings with the Dark Lord where he and the other Death Eaters would be present, but this time, they weren't alone, and the Dark Lord wasn't sitting in his usual spot.
"Tell me where Harry Potter is!" The Dark Lord pointed his wand at the limping body of Jaime Potter.
"I don't know!"
Draco felt a lump in his throat. It was happening again.
Her body twitched and shook as the Dark Lord showed no mercy to her. She cried, begging for him to stop.
"Tell me where Harry Potter is!"
"I don't know! I don't know!"

Draco woke panting and sweaty. It was happening again, the nightmares. Draco sat up, his heart was beating twice as fast than normal.

"You alright?"

Draco flinched, he turned to Theodore's bed which is right beside his. Theodore was wide awake, he was reading something and was using his wand as a torch.

"What are you doing?" Draco asked.

"Can't sleep, thought of doing some reading." Theodore showed his book and used his wand to shed some light the cover, it was their Defence Against the Dark Arts book, "What about you? You alright?"

Draco swallowed a lump and said, "Yeah, I'm fine... what time is it anyway?"

"Past two... just go back to sleep Draco..."

Draco nodded and went back to bed, he pulled his blanket over him and tried to get back his sleep. After a while, Draco noticed that the light from Theodore's wand disappeared. He must be asleep now, he thought. And after a little while, Draco was finally asleep. A dreamless slumber.

Draco and Theodore entered the Great Hall, they were welcomed by stares and nasty looks from most of the students (mostly from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff) but shrugged it off, they were used to it. Draco sat down at the Slytherin table and Theodore sat right beside him. While eating their breakfast, Blaise Zabini came and sat across Draco and Theodore, he didn't say a word and just started eating his breakfast. At the farther side of the table, Draco noticed Panys Parkinson glaring at him. Draco just shook his head and continued eating, Theodore noticed Pansy's glare and chuckled.

"What?" Draco asked.

"I guess Pansy isn't taking it very well..." Theodore said, he was having a hard time hiding his smile.

"Why did you end things with Pansy?" Blaise asked, getting a bit intereseted. It was a month after the Battle of Hogwarts when Draco ended his relationship with Pansy, he never really knew what Draco's reason why though, but was a bit glad that he did.

"None of your business." Draco said.

"Alright." Blaise said, "Are you going to play Quidditch again?"

"Not sure."

"Come on, we're short in players."

"Since when did you become so passionate in Quidditch, Blaise?" Theodore asked, his brow raised at Blaise.

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