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Jaime wasn't with Draco or Theodore today, she was with Ginny, they were heading to Hagrid's for some tea. Hermoine wasn't with them as well.

"Hemroine and the other seventh years are very busy today." Ginny commented.

"What to do you expect," Jaime asked, "Their NEWTs are in two weeks."

"I see you're not with Malfoy or Nott today." Ginny smirked and turned to Jaime.

"They're studying for their NEWTs – those two are in dear need in help with some of their subjects." Jaime sighed.

"In what are those two desperate to pass?" Ginny raised a brow, she guessed that since Draco and Theodore were in some of the NEWTs class, he actually had a brain, maybe she was wrong.

"Theodore seriously needs help in Potions and Alchemy – Draco needs help in Transfiguraion and Charms." Jaime muttered.

"I guess you're tutoring them – since you've been helping them as well with Defense Against the Dark Arts – were they able to produce a Patronus?"
Jaime suddenly laughed at the thought of Draco's Patronus, Ginny was confused with Jaime, "What? What's wrong with their Patronuses?"
After catching her breath, Jaime was able to tell Ginny about Draco's Patronus – Ginny burst in to laughter.

"Well that proves it – Malfoy is a ferret." Ginny laughed, "What about Nott?"

"Not sure, the last time I saw him cast the Patronus Charm he only made a shield." Jaime muttered, the two girls finally reached Hagrid's new hut. Jaime was the one to knock on the door.

"Hagrid?" Jaime called. The door opened and came out Hagrid, who had the biggest smile they can imagine.

"Jaime, Ginny! Come in, come in!" Hagrid moved a side and lets Jaime and Ginny enter. Jaime and Ginny both sat on the available seats in the hut, they looked around and smiled at the homey house.

"Hello Fang." Jaime petted Fang's head, the giant dog gave a moan in response.

"So where's Hermoine?" Hagrid asked with preparing tea.

"She's busy with NEWTs, Hagrid, she's been studying the past weeks." Jaime said.

"She even locked herself in the Head Boy and Girl's dormitories for the whole weekend just to study." Ginny took the cup of tea from Hagrid and took a sip, there was an unknown taste that didn't go well with Ginny's tongue, or stomach.

"How 'bout you two? 'ow ar' 'ou doin'?" Hagrid asked.

"Alright." Jaime and Ginny said.

"Good, good... by the way," Hagrid placed his cup of tea on the table and looked at the two girls with hawk like eyes, "I've been hearin' some talk now and now – especially during my Care for Magical Creatures class, students would talk and talk... especially the seventh years – Slytherins, most of them – tha' you, Jaime, are," Hagrid made a gesture with his two fingers, "with Malfoy."

Jaime blushed. Ginny was laughing in her seat, Hagrid opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out, he was frozen.

"It's true, Hagrid." Jaime sighed.

"So you and Malfoy are..." Hagrid made a gesture. Jaime nodded and took a sip from Hagrid's tea, she almost made a disgusted look, but hid it and discretely spit the tea back in to the cup and placed the cup near Fang, knowing the dog will probably drink it.

"Is there a problem with me and Draco being together?" Jaime asked.

"Oh... uh..." Hagrid scratched the back of his head, "O' course no', why would there be a problem?" Jaime frowned when she saw Hagrid's uncomfortable look. Hagrid saw Jaime's sudden frown and cursed himself inside, he didn't want to bring Jaime down just because he didn't like Draco. "Jaime, does Harry know?"

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