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Jaime walked through the busy station of Kings Cross, she was pushing her trolley with her things: trolley, her owl in his cage, her new books for her seventh year and of course some of her things. Harry turned to his sister and saw the beautiful silver with a beautiful band around her right ring finger, it was a gift from Draco – no it wasn't an engagement ring – it was a present for her eighteenth birthday, which she celebrated in the Burrow and Draco (who Hermoine and Ginny sent an invitation without Ron knowing).

"Ready?" Harry asked as they stood before the portal to Platform 9 ¾ . Jaime nodded, "Yup, always am."

The Potters ran to the Portal, and then ended at the other end, which was Platform 9 ¾. Jaime and Harry were greeted by the usual crowded Platform of young Witches and Wizards who were being sent off by their parents. Jaime and Harry quickly saw the familiar red-heads of the Weasleys.

"Hello Mrs. Weasley!" Harry and Jaime greeted. Mrs. Weasley greeted Jaime and Harry and pulled them to a hug. Hermoine too was with them, having to see Ginny and Jaime goodbye before they go to Hogwarts for their final year.

"Hey, Jaime, I think the blokes here to see you." Ron glared at the person just behind them. Jaime and Harry turned and saw Draco standing in the crowd, looking at Jaime. Harry reluctantly sighed and lets Jaime meet Draco, "Go, I'm sure you both won't be seeing each other for a while." Jaime smiled and went to Draco's side.

"I don't think I'll get used to the idea of Jaime dating Malfoy." Ron groaned.

"You will." Ginny said, "Especially Harry – I think these two will be together for a very long time... if you know what I mean..."

"I'm they will." Hemroine said, "I heard that Jaime's Patronus changed."

"What?" Harry asked.

"Yeah it did – it turned to a ferret... and we all know who the Ferret it..."

Harry sighed.

Jaime went to Draco and pulled him to a hug. "Draco, what are you doing here?" Jaime asked.

"Came to see you off – it's only right." Draco said. Jaime lets go of their hug and lead forward to kiss Draco on the lips. Jaime and Draco heard Ron disgusted groan when Jaime and Draco kissed. They both pulled apart and turned to the crowd of Weasleys with Harry and Hermoine, where Hermoine elbowed Ron for making such a comment. Jaime and Draco chuckled and turned back to each other.

"Here, a present before you go." Draco handed Jaime a rectangle object wrapped in brown paper.

"What is it?" Jaime asked.

"Open it when you get on." Draco said.

The Hogwarts Express whistles, signaling it was about to depart. Draco sighed, "I'll see you in the holidays?" Draco asked, hoping he will – which was a definite yes to Jaime.

"Of course..." Jaime said. Draco sighed again and then pulled Jaime to a kiss, which turned to a snog. Ron and Harry rolled their eyes at the view of Jaime and Draco snogging, Ron broke the couple's snog, "Come one Malfoy! Jaime's going to late for the train!"

"RON!" Ginny slapped Ron at the shoulder, he winced in pain.

Draco and Jaime ended their snog and laughed, "I'll see around Draco."

"See you around. I love you."

"I love you too." Jaime said. Draco took Jaime back to Harry to say her goodbye to her brother and to the Weasleys and Hermoine. They all watched at Jaime and Ginny enter the Train. Jaime and Ginny sat with their fellow Gryffindors inside the compartment and was waving goodbye to heir friends and family.
Draco and Harry, who were standing side by side, were waving goodbye to them. The train started to move, Harry turned to Draco, "A whole term without Jaime – tell me Malfoy, how are you going to survive?"

Draco chuckled, "I should be asking you that, Potter – with Weasley still in Hogwarts..."

"I survived... Ginny and I are alright." Harry said.

"Well, Jaime and I will be alright... besides, I'm not waiting for the holidays just to see her again you know." Draco said.

"What?" Harry asked, confused.

"Hogsmeade?" Draco said, sounding more like a suggestion, "Jaime will be owling me when their next Hogsmeade will be."

"What about your Ministry internship?" Harry asked, surprised in Draco's plans.

"Not a problem really..." Draco smiled. The train was already gone and all of the parents were leaving the Platform.

"By the way, Malfoy, that present you gave Jaime – the ring, what was it?" Harry asked.

"A ring, that's all." Draco shrugged.

"Not falling for that..." Harry said as he and Draco were leaving the Platform.

"Malfoy family heirloom, given to the female members of the family, mother gave it to me, said to give it to the girl I want to marry."

In Hogwarts Express, Jaime sat with Ginny beside her. Jaime opened the present Draco gave her and surprised to see it was a photo album. Jaime flipped the pages and saw the first photo, it was her and Harry – Jaime was sure that this was taken during her eighteenth birthday, she flipped the page again, she smiled when she saw the photo of her and Draco, where they were dancing in one of their dates – they caught Ron and Harry spying on them with George, who was the one who took the photo.

"What's that?" Ginny asked.

"Draco's present." Jaime flipped the page, it was a photo of her and Ginny in their Gryffindor Quidditch uniform.

"I see he took time to stalk the right people to get them..." Ginny joked. Ginny then saw the ring around Jaime's finger, "Are you sure with Draco?"

"I mean... you really are sure that he's the one?"

"I'm sure." Jaime said, she stared at the ring with loving eyes, remembering Draco slipping it in to her finger during her birthday, promising that the next one will be the real thing, and Jaime can't wait for that day to come, to be with Draco forever.



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