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Jaime and Ginny walked to the Great Hall, where the Ministry was holding the Apparition class for all witches and wizards who signed up for the Apparition exam. The Great Hall was full of students. Even though Jaime and Ginny were walking side by side, Jaime wasn't talking to her (at the moment), after she found out about the bet they made with McLaggen, Jaime wasn't talking to the five involved Gryffindors, Harry even agreed that it was fair that the five Gryffindors had a silent treatment (remembering that he and Ron gave Hermoine the silent treatment with she told McGonagall about his Firebolt and when Crookshanks 'ate' Scabbers back in third year).
Jaime smiled when she saw Draco enter the Great Hall. Draco saw Jaime smiling at him and he returned the gesture. Ginny saw Draco and Jaime's exchange of acknowledgement, for the first time, she was jealous at Draco, for the past days, Jaime's been spending more time with Draco and Theodore than Ginny!

"Alright, everyone, let us gather and start our Apparition Lessons, everyone!" the instructor called for everyone's attention, Jaime didn't listen much to what the Ministry's Apparition Instructor said other than that his name was Keith Wagner, her head was focused more on much more important things: her Animagus lessons with McGonagall, their exams (which is still a month and two weeks time), Harry's detention with McGonagall (which will finally end in five days), Draco's Patronus lessons (Theodore was able to create a shield and thought that he can create a full body Patronus on his own) and of course Draco, they both weren't sure what to call themselves, now that they both know they fancy each other.

"Ms. Potter, if you don't mind, we're already starting." Keith Wagner said as he walked passed Jaime.

"Of course, sorry." Jaime blushed.

After an hour, most of the students almost got Splinched, but luckily it was just hair they lost and not their limbs. While some students were able to Apparate successfully, students like Theodore Nott, Draco Malfoy, Jaime Potter, Cormac McLaggen, Seamus Finnigan and Benjamin Travers, who were able to learn how to Apparate before they even took the test.

"Alright, that's all for today, we'll be continuing next Saturday, now off you go!" Keith Wagner dismissed the students. Jaime left to have her lessons with McGonagal, while Ginny went off to meet with Harry, who was at the Gryffindor common room, helping the house elves clean as a part of his detention.
When Ginny arrived at the Fat Lady's portrait, McLaggen and Seamus as well as Dean and Hermoine, are were already there, arguing about something.

"I told you, it's a lie." Seamus said in a hush but stern tone.

"How sure are you?" McLaggen chuckled, "Have you talked to Jaime? Finnigan, even the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws know about what's happening with Potter and Malfoy!"

Out of anger, Seamus shoved McLaggen and pointed his wand at him. "Stop it Seamus!" Hermoine went to stop the two boys from causing trouble.

"If you two won't keep your wands, I will be telling the Headmistress!" The Fat Lady cried. Seamus huffed and retracted his wand, he muttered the password to the Fat Lady and entered the Gryffindor common room. Ginny went beside Hermoine and asked what happened.

"McLaggen, obviously, he wants our payment before NEWTs." Hermoine muttered.

"Seriously? Is he mad – where does he think we'll get ten Galleons?" Ginny and Hermoine entered the common room, just as the Fat Lady's portrait closed, a new commotion was happening inside the Gryffindor common room. Harry has punched Seamus at the nose, again.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL WAS THAT FOR?" McLaggen groaned as he tend to his bloody nose, "I THINK YOU BROKE MY NOSE!"

"Good for you – next time, don't make silly bets involving my sister then." Harry said to McLaggen.

"HARRY!" Ginny and Hermoine went to Harry's side and tried to stop him from making anymore damage.

"Always wanted to do that." Harry muttered, "By the way, the bet's off, McLaggen."

Ginny, Hermoine, Parvati, Dean and Seamus stared at Harry in shock, they all smiled when Harry said that to McLaggen, saving them from losing ten Galleons, but Seamus' smile fell when he realized that Harry knew about the bet.

"How-How'd you know?" Seamus asked, his voice was shaky; he didn't want to be punched at the face again, or worst, be hexed by Harry.

"Hermoine – Ginny, they told me." Harry said, "And don't expect that you're not getting punched as well."

"Seriously?" Seamus whined, just as Harry was about to punch Seamus stopped him, "Wait! You're hearing the rumors yourself and you're not doing anything about it?"

"I still don't know what to do, but I do know that you lot aren't being completely honest to Jaime." Harry glared at Seamus and the other Gryffindors that were involved, and then punched Seamus at the nose as well. Harry sighed and went to the portrait, he opened the entrance, but before he left, he turned to them and asked, "Where's Jaime now?" Hermoine and Ginny turned to the clock, "She's probably with McGonagall – Animagus lesson." Ginny said, Harry nodded and left the Gryffindor common room.

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