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The Weasleys came to Twelve Grimmauld Place around six in the evening, with them were the Grangers, who agreed to join the Potters and the Weasleys for Christmas. Everyone was at the common room, eating Mrs. Weasley's delisious food; the Grangers were still in a bit of a shock with the magic going on in the house and were still getting used to it, the couple were being entertained by Mr. Weasley, asking them about Muggle stuff.

"Time for presents!" Mrs. Weasley said, handing one to Fleur and Bill. Everyone was by the Christmas tree and were opening presents, Ron was the one most excited. Jaime sat with Hermoine at the sofa and opened their presents. Jaime got a two-way mirror from George, ("Thought you might need it!" George joked), a journal from Hermoine (Actually, Hermoine bought everyone journals), a box of Chocolate frogs from Ron with a Christmas card saying: "I knew you like Chocolate Frogs – Happy Christmas!" – Ginny got Jaime a Gryffindor Quidditch uniform, (Jaime actually gave Ginny a suspicious look, but Ginny just grinned, "thought it would be nice in you!"). Bill and Charlie shared gift, they both got her a new book bag, and Harry, Harry gave Jaime a broom!

"Harry! This must've cost a lot!" Jaime exclaimed as she saw her new Firebolt.

"Not much, besides, I thought you might want to have a new broom – since yours was destroyed years back." Harry shurgged, "And it's from Sirius and me – he left a note that he was planing to get it for you, for your seventeenth birthday."

Everyone went silent upon hearing Sirius' name, "Well," Mr. Weasley raised his glass, "To a Happy Christmas to everyone – and to our dear friends who have left us."

"Happy Christmas." Everyone muttered.

Before everyone was done and the Grangers packing up, an Eagle Owl came, its beak taping on the window glass. Ginny was the one who saw the Eagle Owl, "Hello, who're you from?" Ginny said, she opened the window and lets the owl inside. Immediatley the owl flew across the room and stood before Jaime. The ones in the room were only Jaime, Ginny, Hermoine, Harry and Ron.

"Who's it from?" Ron asked, his head nodding at the owl's direction.

"Dunno." Jaime said, she bent down and took the package from the Eagle Owl's grasp and gave it a small treat.

"Don't open it!" Ron said, "It might be from someone who still wants us dead."

"No," Jaime said as she studied the owl, "I'm sure it's not." Jaime smiled when she saw the familiar feathers of the owl, "You're Draco's aren't you?" Jaime whispered, the owl bobbed it's head, Jaime stared at the wrapped packaged that Draco's owl came with.

"Who's it from?" Harry asked.

"Uh – Professor Slughorn, yeah." Jaime dug in her pocket and bought out a small package, "Bring this back to him – thank you." The owl stood tall then left the room, returning back to its owner.

"Slughorn?" Ginny asked, "But he already gave us his gifts – oof!" Hermoine nudged Ginny and gave her a look.

"What?" Ginny asked, glaring at Hermoine, but Hermoine just gave her a look. After a while of processing on what Hermoine was doing, Ginny gasped and then shut her mouth.

"What?" Harry asked, "What is it?"

"Nothing – oh look at the time, better get going." Hermoine said, she collected her things and went to her parents, "I'll see you when I see you! Bye! Happy Christmas!" Hermoine and her parents left.

"Harry dear, we'll be off as well." Mrs. Weasley said as she approached the fireplace, "Good night dears, and Happy Christmas." Mrs. Weasley used the Floo powder and said, "The Burrow!" she disappeared. George was next and gave Harry and Jaime a small salute and disappeared, Bill, Charlie Fleur said their goodbyes and left the house, wanting to see more of London before they go home. Ron gave Harry and Jaime a hug before he left, "See you mate. The Burrow!" Ginny came and whispered somwthing to Jaime, "I know who gave that present Jaime – and I want to know when we see each other again." Jaime rolled her eyes, "Alright, Ginny – Happy Christmas, good night." Ginny smiled and gave Jaime a hug, she then turned to Harry and kissed him at the cheek before she left, "The Burrow!"

It was just Harry and Jaime left in Twelve Grimmauld Place, they both cleaned the remaining dishes and fixed the place (with the help of magic of course). Before they went to bed, Harry asked Jaime about the gift, "So who's it from?"

"I told you Harry, it was from Slughorn!" Jaime groaned.

"Your lying needs some work – so?"

"It's from – Seamus!" Jaime lied, she was mentally slapping herself for what she said, "I'm tired, I'm off to bed – night!" Jaime closed the door of her room, "Good night!" Harry said.
Jaime groaned and plopped herself to her bed, then she remembered the present, Jaime quickly opened her lamp and sat up. She unwrapped the package from the brown paper and saw a red box with a gold bow on top. Jaime lifted the lid of the box and saw a maroon jumper, Jaime tried it on and went in front of a mirror, it fits her and was really really beautiful. Jaime returned to her bed and saw something in the box, it was a letter.

Happy Christmas Jaime,
​​Hope you liked my gift. Thank you for the scarf, I really like it.


"Happy Christmas, Draco."


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