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Jaime sat, bored to death, in the Ancient Runes class, she was wondering why was even took the class or even bothered to pass the OWLs for this class. At first, during her third year, Ancient Runes was really interesting for Jaime, but then it was just now boring. Jaime sighed as their teacher wrote their lesson on the board, Hermoine saw Jaime's bored expression and sighed.

"Wake up, Jaime – this isn't the time to sleep." Hermoine muttered while writing the lecture from the board.

"I am up." Jaime whined, as she dipped her quill in her ink and wrote the lecture in her parchment. Hermoine rolled her eyes and focused on her notes.

After Ancient Runes, Jaime went to her next class, Alchemy. Jaime yawned as she entered the classroom, why was she so tired all of the sudden? Jaime sat in her usual spot beside Eloise Midgen; upon sitting, Jaime rested her head on the table with her arms as her cushion. Draco was confused with Jaime's sudden tiredness.

"What time did you sleep last night?" Draco asked.

"Curfew. Why?" Jaime groaned.

"Then why are you so sleepy?"

"I just am."

Draco sighed and watched as Jaime slept. Professor Kirkwood entered the classroom with his leather case, he dropped his case on the ground, making a loud thump, waking Jaime from her nap. Draco smriked at Jaime's sudden shock and turned to listen to Professor Kirkwood's lesson.

"Now that we are done with stone transfiguration and the basics of Alchemy, let's go the to a much challenging part." Professor Kirkwood rubbed his palms together, "Open your books on page six hundred and nine and we shall start with our lesson."

Jaime got out her book from her book bag and looked for the page, yawning in the process. But as she found page six hundred and nine, the sleepiness in her disappeared at the first word she read on the page, "Homunculus?" she squeaked, catching, not just Professor Kirkwood's attention, but the whole class.

"Yes, Ms. Potter, we will be discussing on how to create a Homunculus." Professor Kirkwood smirked.

Draco had a confused look as Kirkwood told their lesson, "But isn't this illegal?" Draco asked, surprising almost the whole class – since when did Draco Malfoy started to care about legal and illegal things?

"Now, why'd you think this is illegal, Mr. Malfoy?" Kirkwood sat on his desk.

"It's practically written in all Alchemy books that the creation of Homunculus are illegal due to the consiquences it may cause – and the Ministry even made it a law to ban any creation of any Homunculus." Draco explained. Everyone was silent and shocked with Draco's sudden information, even Kirkwood was silent in Draco's words. But the silence and shock was gone when a Gryffindor spoke, "What would you know Malfoy?" Everyone turned to the male Gryffindor, Draco glared at him.

"Is there something you like to say, Kitwood?" Draco glared at the Gryffindor Chaser. Professor Kirkwood just sat on his dest, watching as Draco and Kitwood glared at each other; Jaime saw that what Kitwood was planning and didn't like it, she tried to call for Kirwood, but he didn't listen, "Seth..."

"Yeah, I have..." Kitwood stood from his chair, he was first pulled back by his seatmate, but shrugged the arm off of him, "You can talk about those things like you didn't do anything that broke the law," he then scoffed, "Bloody hell, you should even be in Azkaban right now!"

Draco got off his chair and was about to charge at Seth Kitwood, but Theodore stopped him. Seth Kitwood continued, "Professor, please, tell us why are Homunculus are illegal..."
Professor Kirkwood sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, "To create a Homunculus, one needs the ingredients for the human body – but for it to be alive, it's different... you need a human soul to give life to the body you created – to give a life, you must take another."

Everyone felt a chill run down their spine as Professor Kirkwood explained, but Seth Kitwood and Draco. "What are you implying, Kitwood?" Draco's heart was beating fast, but what Kitwood said made everything stop.

"I won't be surprised if you're locked up in Azkaban for bringing back the Dark Lord, Malfoy."

Jaime was shocked at what Kitwood said – everyone was – but was furious at the same time. Jaime jumped out of her seat and stood before Kitwood, sheilding Draco from him, shocking everyone in the room.

"That's enough, Seth." Jaime glared at her fellow Gyrffindor.

Kitwood chuckled, "You're defending him, Jaime?"

"Why not?"

"After all that he has done? He's a Death Eater!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Professor Kirkwood roared, everyone shuddered at their Professor's sudden rage, they never saw Professor Kirkwood get angry before, usually he's the type of teacher to watch as the students settle their arguments there with him just watching – to make sure that no accidents were to happen.

"Kitwood, Malfoy... detention tonight – in my office. Eight o'clock."

"Detention?" Jaime said, "But, Professor, Draco did nothing wrong!"

Professor Kirkwood gave a scary glare at Jaime, making quiet. "Now, all of you, back to your seats – and we'll be doing a test today." The students were about to complain, but didn't dare to, they were too shocked and scared at Professor Kirkwood's sudden outburst.

Kitwood went back to his seat and received a glare from his seatmate, "Nice going Seth."
"Shut up. Kitwood muttered. Jaime turned to Draco and saw him glaring at Kitwood, Jaime sighed and took Draco's hand, "Don't mind them..." Jaime said. Draco sighed and went back to his seat, Jaime followed Draco's actions and sat down on her chair, beside Eloise. Professor Kitwood then gave them the hardest test they got from him  two rolls parchment of the whole history of Alchemy and the laws of Alchemy.

"And I expect your parchments on my desk before class ends." Professor Kirkwood said as he walked around, checking for any cheating students.

After their class, everyone submitted their tests and left the room, Draco was the first one to leave the classroom, leaving Theodore and Jaime calling after him.

"Draco- "

Jaime sighed and just went to her next class, which was Transfiguration.

Supper came and everyone was in the Great Hall stuffing themselves with the delicious food being served. Jaime kept her eye on the Slytherin table, she is really concerned about Draco.

"Would you stop staring at the Slytherins?" Seth muttered.

Jaime glared at Seth and punched him at the arm, making him wince.

"What was that for?" Seth asked. All of the Gryffindors were confused at Jaime's actions and watched as she and Seth argued.

"Really? Don't act all innocent, Seth." Jaime said.

"Why? Because I called Malfoy a Death Eater?" Hermoine, Ginny and Parvati were shocked with what Seth said, but Seamus and Dean were more interested in what was happening.

"Would you stop calling him that?"

"Why are you even defending him? He's the enemy, Jaime! Open your eyes – he tried to kill us all!"

"Would you just stop! He's different now!"

"He's different now? Don't give me that Jaime! Draco Malfoy will always be the Malfoy he is – vile, cruel and a Death Eater... he should be in Azkaban right now if it weren't for his Mother betraying Voldemort."

"Seth- " Seamus tried to stop Seth for saying more, but couldn't.

"You know what, now I see why you're so passionate of defending Malfoy." Seth chuckled.

"What do you mean, Seth?" Ginny asked.

"If you paid more attention to your friend, Weasley, then you'd know." Seth muttered, then returned to eating his food. Jaime glared at Seth one last time and then found her dinner more interesting than the Slytherin table.

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