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Jaime woke up the following morning smiling form ear to ear – she can still feel Draco's soft lips against hers and the butterflies she felt when they kissed. The whole time she did her morning routine, she was smiling, which caught Ginny's attention and got her very curious with what was happening to Jaime.
When Jaime and Ginny were headed to the Great Hall, Ginny asked Jaime why she was smiley all morning.

"Are you alright?" Ginny asked Jaime.

"Of course, never better." Jaime replied, "Why?"

"You're just really happy since we woke up earlier..." Ginny muttered.

"I'm alright, Ginny, just happy, that's all."

Ginny and Jaime entered the Great Hall for breakfast, Jaime sat beside Hermoine and greeted her a good morning, which Hermoine returned. Hermoine too noticed Jaime's happy aura and kept on looking at the Slytherin table.

"He's still not here." Hermoine muttered, she knew who Jaime was looking for.

"Who?" Jaime asked.

Hermoine rolled her eyes, "Malfoy."

Jaime blushed and focused herself at her breakfast. Hermoine caught Jaime's surprising acts and thought that it was a bit weird of her, it wasn't Jaime, it was a different – a part they haven't seen in her, maybe they did...

"Bloody hell..." Ginny muttered.

"What – what is it?" Hermoine asked.

"The last time Jaime was like this was back in third year."

"That's during the Tri-Wizard Games." Hermoine turned to Jaime.

"I remember, Jaime fancied a Durmstrang – too bad the bloke didn't ask her to the Yule Ball though..."

"Is that why Jaime came with Seamus then?"

"Reluctantly – yes." Ginny sighed.

Jaime – who was busy being in her little dream world – wasn't listening to Hermoine and Ginny's conversation, she was just in some kind of trance.


Jaime jumped at the sudden voice and turned to the person who called her. Jaime smiled more when she saw Draco standing just behind her.

"Draco." Jaime got up from the seat. Almost the whole Gryffindor table were staring at Jaime and Draco (even some nosy Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were watching), "What are you doing here?" Jaime asked.

"Can't I see you before we go to class?" Draco chuckled.

"We have Alchemy for the first class." Jaime rolled her eyes.

"Why? Can't I get a good morning kiss first?" Draco joked.

Jaime smiled at Draco's teasing request, but got on her toes and gave Draco a light kiss on the lips.

"There, happy now?" Jaime chuckled.

"Very." Draco smiled. Jaime took her things, bid a short bye to Hermoine and Ginny and followed Draco to Professor Kirkwood's class, with Draco holding on to Jaime's hand. Leaving Hermoine and Ginny with jaws dropped and in total shock with what Draco and Jaime just showed. A kiss.
Word about Draco and Jaime being official spread in Hogwarts faster than the news about Harry Potter visiting Hogwarts during the Quidditch match a month ago. Jaime felt all eyes were at her and Draco; everywhere they went – separated or not – all students would just stare at them – whispering about them, "Can't believe Potter's dating Malfoy." Or "Jaime's a traitor – to date her brother's sworn enemy." Or "Malfoy's just using her, he's actually just plotting to use Jaime to bring You-Know-Who back.", it would sometimes bother Jaime. Draco would sometimes be bothered by the whispers of the people, but he knew he shouldn't, he shouldn't care – he's happy. Jaime's happy.

"Don't listen to them." Draco wrapped an arm around Jaime and kissed her temple. Jaime sighed and leaned in to Draco and tried to ignore the whispers.
Draco saw Jaime's discomfort and dragged her to an empty corridor to speak to her.

"Draco, we shouldn't be here – we'll be late for class." Jaime tried to get her hand from Draco's grasp.

Draco stopped at the empty corridor and pulled Jaime to a hug. Jaiem was surprised with Draco's acts, but returned the gesture.

"Don't listen to them, alright?" Draco said, "You said it yourself – don't listen to them – that you didn't care on what they think – that you didn't care on what they say about you – about us... so don't start now, don't listen to them..." Draco cupped Jaime face and smiled at her, "What matters is that we're happy. That we're together, right?"

Jaime stared in to Draco's eyes and listened to what he said, he was right, why start listening to the whispers now? Jaime placed her hands on Draco's and gave him an apologetic smile.

"You're right, I shouldn't... I'm sorry, Draco."

Draco sighed and leaned his forehead on Jaime's, he closed his eyes and tried to empty his mind and just focus on them both right now. Jaime closed her eyes and sighed, "I love you, Draco."

Draco gave Jaime a light kiss on the lips then to her forehead, "I love you too."

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