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The seventh years entered the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and was surprised with the set up: the desks and chairs were moved to the side and there a platform at the centre. All of the seventh years went to the sides of the platform, they were separated by house, the Slytherins at the right and Gryffindors at the left. Draco and Theodore stood at the front of the crowd of Slytherins, while at the Gryffindor side, Hermoine along with Seamus and Dean were at the front of the crowd of Gryffindors.
Professor Challis entered the classroom, and silence filled the room, she got on the platform and started her class.

"I'm sure that you have heard of a Wizard Duel and have partake with it, yes?" Professor Challis said, "I shall be calling from one of you to demonstrate a proper Wizard Duel."

Draco's eyes were on the Gryffindors, he noticed Hermoine glanced at him then to Professor Challis, then he saw Seamus' glare, Draco glared at Seamus.

"Now, I'll be pulling out a pair of names from the hat." Professor Challis congured a black Witches' hat and it floated beside her, "And when call, get on the platform and you shall have a duel."
A lot of murmurs were heard in the crowd of students. "Now, I shall be picking the names – when called, come to the platform and we shall start the duel."

"Nott, Theodore."

Theodore sighed, he gave his bag to Draco and got on the platform with his wand in his hand. Professor Challis nodded at Theodore's presence, then took another name from the hat.

"Granger, Hermoine."

Hermoine placed her bag on the ground and got on the platform with her wand. Professor Challis nodded at Hermoine then moved to the side. "Let us beguine."
Hermoine and Theodore stood before each other, they got out their wands and did the proper salute before they went to each other's corner. Theodore and Hermoine went in to battle stance and were glaring at each other. Theodore was the first to attack, Stupify!
Hermoine was able to jinx Theodore's spell, then she attacks Expelliaramus! Her spell hit Theodore on the chest, Theodore was blasted back and rolled on the platform. After taking a deep breath, Theodore got up and casted a spell again.


"Liberacorpus!" Hermoine followed her jinx with an attack, "Stupify!"

Theodore fell again, and Professor Challis ended their duel. "Well done, Ms. Granger and Mr. Nott. Now for the next pair – " Professor Challis reached in the hat and pulled out a name, while Theodore and Hermoine got back to their spots earlier.

"Finnigan, Seamus."

Seamus got on the platform with his wand, he turned to Dean and Hermoine, Dean gave him a reassuring nod. Professor Challis pulled out another name.

"Malfoy, Draco."

Theodore gave Draco a pat on the back and took his and Draco's bag from Draco. Draco got on the platform with his wand and stood before Seamus. Seamus and Draco were glaring at each other as they did the salute, then went to their corner, they faced each other again in battle stance.


"Incedio!" Seamus said, a ball of fire went hurling at Draco. Draco got his wand and did a spell, "Aguamenti!" water shoot out of Draco's wand, protecting him from Seamus' ball of fire, as well as soaking other students at the front (Hermoine wasn't happy when she got wet).
Draco knew that Seamus was good in Pyrotechniques, but he never knew that he was this good and that he would use it at him at the time like this – and Professor Challis wasn't doing anything!

"Expelliarmus!" Seamus casted another spell, Draco jinxed the spell and attacks, "Confringo!" the spell zoomed out of Draco's wand and a blast happened a few feet from Seamus. Seamus fell on his behind, but got up quickly, "Stupify!"

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