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"Now, Alchemy isn't simple like Potions or Transfiguration or Charms, it's actually the combination of the three." Draco explained to Jaime as they search the library for books, Draco gave another book to Jaime, placing it on the pile of books she was holding, Draco chuckled at the sight of Jaime holding the books that almost covered her face.

"It's not funny." Jaime glared at Draco.

"Didn't say it is." Draco said, "There laws in Alchemy that one must follow, if not – just like Kirkwood said – there will be consequences." Draco took the half of the books from Jaime and brought them to the table, Draco sat on the chair and opened the book Laws of Alchemy, Jaime sat across from Draco and placed the pile of books on the table as well.

"The Law of the Natural Providence means..." Draco pointed at the text and gave it to Jaime, Jaime read the text, "An object or material made of a particular substance or element can only be Transmutated into another object with the same basic makeup and properties of that initial material – I don't understand, Kirkwood already taught us this, why do we have to go through this again?"

"If you don't know the basics, you won't understand the more complicated things." Draco said, Draco then fished something from his pocket and placed the objects on the table, it was a Transmutation Circle and a rock.

"Again?" Jaime asked.

"It's the most basic thing, just try it. And remember, focus of the different properties and leave the common ones." Draco reminded Jaime, and pushed the objects to her. Jaime opened the parchment and saw the Transmutation Circle, "Did you get this from Kirkwood?" Jaime asked. Draco shook his head, "Did it myself..." Jaime was surprised, Draco chuckled, "Believe it or not Potter, but I do Alchemy as a hobby – just try it."

Jaime placed the rock on the circle and with her wand, she tried to transform the rock to metal. Surprisingly, she was able to.

"Good, you passed the most basic Alchemy yet." Draco said. Jaime rolled her eyes and gave Draco the rock again.

"If you're so good in Alchemy, tell me have you created a homunculus?" Jaime asked.

"Where did you hear about that?" Draco asked.

"Kirkwood said something about it and there is a thing I also do, Malfoy, I read." Jaime said.

Draco took the book from Jaime and turned to a specific page, he scanned the text for awhile then gave the book back to her, "Read this." Jaime gave Draco a confused look, but read the text, "The last homunculus created turned to a failure, not only did the Alchemist lost his life in the process but also his daughter's. To create a homunculus, one needs the following ingredients (turn to 394) and a human life. Due to this, not only did Alchemists made it illegal to create a homunculus but also the Wizarding world. Alchemists who attempts to violate the law and attempts to create a homunculus are to be punished by death."

"That is where the Law of Equivalent Exchange falls – an Alchemist can create a homunculus, but it can't give it life... for the homunculus to be alive a another life must be given. To give a life another must die... sacrifice..."

Jaime felt the hairs at the back of her neck stand, "Oh, now I get it..." Jaime said. Draco smirked then turned the book back to the page where they were before.
Their Alchemy lessons finished before their next class started, Draco helped Jaime returning the books to the shelves and walked her out of the library, they walked side-by-side discussing about their next lesson.

"Got to hand it to you though, you're a fast learner." Draco said.

"I'm not... if I was, then I wouldn't be needing your help." Jaime said.

Draco chuckled, "You're probably right." Draco walked Jaime to her next class, which was Ancient Ruins.

"See you later, Jaime."

"Yeah, see you later, Draco."

Jaime watched as Draco walk down the hall to his next class, she smiled when she saw him look back and chuckled. Jaime shook her head and went inside the classroom, most of the students inside the classroom saw what happened by the door and were processing with what was happening. Jaime sat beside Hermoine, her smile still on her face, Hermoine noticed Jaime's smile, it was the same smile she would have whenever she's with her friends.

"So, why was Malfoy walking you to class?" Hermoine asked, Hermoine knew about Jaime's lessons with Draco, who wouldn't? Students who would see them at the library studying would make a big deal about it, it practically reached the teachers ears, the next thing they need is for Harry to find out and that's the most awaited part, everyone wants to know what would Harry react to the fact that his sister is actually friends with Draco Malfoy, his rival.

"We were just finished with our lesson and he just did." Jaime said, like it was nothing. Their teacher entered the classroom and their class started.

Jaime sat with Draco and Theodore during lunch, as promised, Draco will be tutoring her about Alchemy. Jaime could feel the stares that the Slytherins were giving her as she sat at their table, it made her feel a little uncomfortable. Draco saw the glares from his other house mates and didn't like it. Draco suddenly closed the book they were reading.

"What was that about?" Jaime asked.

"Come on, let's do this somewhere else." Draco gathered his things and got up from his seat, Theodore and Jaime followed Draco and they left the Great Hall. Stares followed as Jaime left with Draco and Theodore, and one of the people staring was Parvati, she didn't like the sight. Draco lead Jaime and Theodore outside the castle and sat under the tree.

"Mind explaining why we left the Great Hall?" Theodore asked.

"Nothing, just a change of scenery that's all." Draco said.

Theodore didn't buy Draco's excuse, there was more to that than just the scenery, he will know why. Draco then opened the book again and turned to Jaime and started their lesson again. Theodore watched as Draco and Jaime sit beside each other, a little close to each other as they continue their lesson, Theodore noticed something in Draco that he never seen before, he was actually at peace, he was different and was actually more happy than he was at their previous years. Maybe being with Jaime Potter is good for Draco.

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