Harrison's meeting

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***************Liam's POV**************

I felt horrible for arguing with Aria last night and now I wasn't going to see her for a week. All because i had another meeting with Harrison.

Harrison and I were going to talk about the office situation and who would stay and who would go. I was hoping he would let me take here being I just moved and just started with Aria. I didn't want to leave her here and run the other buisness.

Dad always told me not to fight over them but I needed to fight for Aria. There was no way I was going to leave her.

"Liam, I have two girls that have school and I can't take them out of school to go to Colorado! You don't have kids and you've ran the other business forever." Harrison pleaded.

"Harrison, I just meet Aria and I am not willing to leave her and give her up. I want to stay here and start my life. It's time I start settling down! I also have mom to take care of, she's been staying at my house." i replied.

"Take Aria with you and start your life in Colorado. Get a new start. I can't just pick up my family and leave." Harrison said.

"She would never do that expecailly when she just got a promotion from dad." I said.

"You know you are going to be the boss and will be able to run and hire your employees." He said.

"She would never leave her family.. she's way to close to them." I stated opening my phone to see our picture together as my background. Still no messages or signs from Aria was she really that mad at me?

"Look we have a month to decide and to talk to Aria about it. You are going to a business conference in a week in Florida. Aria is to come with and take notes, watch schedules, etc. I will book your flight, rooms, and all that. Tell her the plans and get back to me." Harrison stated.

"Okay." I replied.

"Oh and you will have to represent both businesses I have some other things to do." He stated and got up from the desk.

Wow! and to think he wanted to run a business but didn't even want to go to a conference. I wanted to call Aria and talk to her but I knew she was still on the plane. I was going to call her after work and see how she was putting up.

I finished up my work by the time 6 rolled around. I stepped out of my office to talk to Chloe before she left.

"Hey, Did Aria call you at all today? Text you? Anything?" I asked.

"No haven't heard from her.. why what's up?" She asked.

"Well we sort of had a little fight and she took off to Arizona today." I said searching for my keys.

"OH boy! I'll call her for you and find out how she's doing if you'd like?" She asked putting her coat on.

"Thank you! Text me and tell me if you got ahold of her." I said as I walked to the parking lot.

Maybe I could somehow suprise her for christmas by flying down and appolgizing.

*******Chole's POV**********

"Hey, What's up Chloe?" She said as she anwsered the phone.

"Oh nothing up just wanted to check up on you.. see how your flight went." I said.

"It was okay I slept most of the flight.. Is there something wrong at the office? Did Liam have you call me?" She asked.

"No no.. Why did something happen with you guys? He has been busy all day I haven't speaked with him." I lied.

"Your sure?" She asked.

"Yes! What happened last night?" I asked.

"Well we sort of got into a fight and I haven't talked to him since then.. I feel like it's my fault and that i should of just dropped the whole ex thing. He told me about Brody then he mentions that Tasha his ex is back in town and wants him to be her accountant." She blurted out.

"She's here! What the hell? He's not going to do anything with her you know that right?" I asked.

"Chloe, he was in love with her he asked her to marry him and she declined it. How am I suppose to just forget that he still loves her and that she's back and closer to seeing him?" She cried.

"What a b**ch how could you do that to someone? He's not going to do that Aria.. He's moved on and wants to be with you." I said.

"I don't know about that but I just need to think.. I hate this I haven't even been able to enjoy my family because I'm to worried about him.. I feel horrible!" She cried once again.

"Try to enjoy things! I will try to see how he is. I'll call you later.. Please enjoy yourself! You only get to see your nephew so much." I said as I hung up.

I called Liam but he never picked up. I started supper and waited for Liam to call back. He finally called back at 8 and I told him everything. He admitted he would never cheat on her and that he would never go back to Tasha. He also said he would give up Brody so he could make her happy.

"Do you think you can handle the office for a few days?" He asked as his phone lost connection.

What did he mean by that? Was he planning on going to see her? Was he really that upset that he didn't want to come to work? I had no idea what he ment but I wanted to find out really bad.

I got a text from Liam at 10 saying his phone died. I jumped into the shower just as my phone got a text. I got out and checked it and it was Liam.

-I'm going to see her! I got my tickets! I'm leaving tomorrow night and arriving in time for christmas! Don't tell her I'm going to suprise her!- Liam

That had to be the sweetest thing ever. Liam really was a sweetheart he was putting off the holidays with his family to make up it up to her. It was going to be hard not to tell Aria when I called her but I had to her heart would melt.

-OH MY GOSH! that is cute! Lips are sealed-Chloe

What you think of Harrison?? Liam going to makeup for the fight??

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