7. Silence

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  • Dedicated to Love

Chapter 7- Day two



"Silence is golden when you can't think of a good answer." - Muhammad Ali


Peirce's POV:

"How was your date with Miss Annoying?" Landon casually asks.

I take a mouthful of my drink. A warm feeling washes over my chest. I was craving a drink the whole day. Now I feel satisfied. I pretend not to hear Landon over the loud music playing in the living room of Jordan's small get together.

"So?" he says a bit louder "How was it?"

"It wasn't a date," I tell him while observing a pair of girls inhaling a line of coke in the kitchen. Idiots.

Landon continues, "Hmm. Absolutely no action?"

I give him a look, "Stop thinking like a pig and drink before I punch you."

"Whoa, whoa, chill. I get it. You're one of those guys that kiss and don't tell."

I squeeze the cup in my hand, "There was no kissing involved. We went to the park. I was not on a date. We are just friends."

His jaw drops open. Oh no.

"Peirce Roberts admitting he has a new friend?! That's something you don't hear every day."

"It's a deal we made," I try to explain, "I hang out with her for fifteen days, and after she'll leave me alone. She's convinced I'm going to end up loving her company." I roll my eyes at the thought.

"And-" he bumps my elbow "What if you do end up liking her?"

"I won't. Do you have anything good today?"

"What do you want?" he asks, peering into his bag "I have a few orders so-"

"Anything. If you have ecstasy that'll be perfect. I'm feeling down."

"Nope, don't have any of that. I have some acid if you want?"

"Anything is good," I repeat.

"Cash," he says, holding his hand out "Last time you passed out and didn't pay me. I had to cough up the dough."

I take out the amount needed and shove it into his hand, "Happy?"

He smiles, "Nice doing business with you, cousin." He handing me the drug. I can already feel high. 

Jordan comes rushing downstairs, anxiety washing over his face "Yo, Maria won't wake up. I think she drank too much."

"Just pour water on her face." Landon cooly replied.

"I tried, but she straight up passed out and won't wake up. Lupe told me to put her in the bathtub. Come help us."

Landon groans as he stands up, "Why's it always gotta be Maria who ruins the fun? I bet she's just acting. You know how exaggerated she is when she drinks."

I shrug, heading with him upstairs to help wash her down. When we walk into Jordan's room, I see Maria, curled up on the stripped-down mattress. Her hair is wet, black mascara is smudged down the side of her cheeks.

I carry her ankles as Landon and Jordan carry her torso and arms to the bathroom. Her friend Lupe stands to the side, half-sobbing, half-muttering in a drunken slur.

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