22. Letting Go

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"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses."


Chapter 22:

Rose’s pov:

I sit in my room for hours on end, selfishly attempting to figure out the mess that is Peirce Roberts. I can’t believe he’d lie to me in such a way. Peirce would never kill someone. I shake as I remember all those things he told me yesterday. After such a wonderful New Year’s, I would’ve thought everything would turn out well afterward. I was wrong.

I finish wiping away more tears. Why did Peirce say those horrible things? It confuses me. Because he said I’m the only girl he wants. Which means he likes me. And he kissed me yesterday. So why would he try to push me away? Doesn’t he want to be with the girl he likes? There’s an annoying voice in the back of my head, screaming for me to investigate.

All these questions start making my head ache. I sluggishly walk down stairs for some aspirin. Peirce never leaves my mind.

“Oh, you’re finally out of your room.” Grandma comments “I thought you were going to stay in there all day.”

“I was.” I sigh “But my head really hurts.”

“Again?” she says whiles pressing her hand against my forehead “You feel a bit warm.”

“I’m a human being. I’m supposed to be warm.” I joke. It helps sweep a bit of the bitterness away. I hate Peirce Roberts. He’s starting to make my life miserable.

Grandma hands me a cup with sizzling fluid, “Here’s your aspirin. If you’re not feeling well by Monday I’m not letting you go to school.”

I swallow everything quickly since I hate the taste of it. I keep an eye on my grandmother. Maybe she could answer some of my questions. I would’ve been too small to remember if mother died…

No. My mother is alive. Or was Peirce telling the truth? How is this even happening?

“Grandma, there’s something serious I want to talk about with you.”

“What is it?” she asks. I hesitate for a moment, thinking about all the possibilities. Thinking about Peirce.

Then I go right out and say it, “Mom.”

She stops.

“Is she dead?” I whisper.

She continues scrubbing the counters, insisting it’s not clean enough for us to cook on. There are immediate tears, which half-confirms what I’ve been fearing for the past two days. I hadn’t realized how much this possibility hurts me. The thought of my mother being buried somewhere, with no air in her lungs, no heartbeat, broke me.

“Grandma…” I patiently continue “Please tell me if mom is dead.”

Grandma shakes her head, ignoring the very tears that sell her out. “No. . .No honey.”

“Why are you lying to me?” I ask. I do not accuse her. I just want to know.

It’s too much for her to handle. She leaves me alone with all my questions. Grandma does not come out of her own room for the rest of the day.


Peirce’s pov:

The emptiness swallows me whole as I sit alone in my apartment.  I knew this would happen. Either way I would’ve lost Rose. It hurts so much the pain is unbearable.

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