13. Blind Judgment

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  • Dedicated to Jay<3

"Never judge someone before knowing the whole story. You may think you understand but you don't"

-uNKNOWN to mE


---Chapter 13---

"Are you sure I should be in your room?" Peirce asks. He lingers at the door, staring around.

"Yes," I answer for the third time "My sweet, sweet grandma trusts us. We just need to keep the door open . . . and a foot apart. . ."

He scoffs, "Yup, she trusts you."

"But she likes you," I assure him "I told her you were the guy who helped me with my ankle."

He slowly enters further into my room, "Did you mention the fact that I was the one who made you sprain it in the first place?"

I plop myself on the bed, patting the empty space next to me, "She doesn't need to know that."

Peirce sits beside me, eyeing the movie posters covering my bedroom walls. "You like movies, huh?"

"A lot," I answer "Every Friday dad, Matty, and me would sit down and watch one together."

"What about your mom?" he asks.

I stare at the ground, "Yeah. . .her too."

Peirce clears his throat, clearing away the awkwardness. "What are we doing?"

"Well, it's not Friday. But I guess we can watch a movie." I point at the TV set in front of my bed "I have a DVD player and a grand movie collection."

He raises his brows, "How many."

I stand up, limping towards a thin closet. When I open it, his eyes widen.

"Too many to count." I answer.


"Grandma!" I scream "Is the popcorn ready!?"

"Yes!" she shouts right back.

Peirce stares at me weirdly, "You guys can scream at each other like that?"

I hop on one leg back to sit beside him, "Yep."

There is a comfy place situated on floor. It's covered in soft blankets and fluffy pillows. We have two cans of soda, four chocolate bars, and a bowl of Cheetos. All we need is the popcorn.

Peirce reaches for a gummy worm, causing me to slap his hand away.


"Not until the movie starts." I scorn.

Grandma enters with the much needed popcorn. She sets it in front of us, "Here you go kids."

I smile back at her, "Thanks grandma."

My grandma just nods giving me a weird look. What's up with all these weird looks? Luckily Peirce isn't paying attention to the little teasing smirk my grandma has on. I give her a weird look back and she finally exits. I grab the remote, flipping the TV channel to the one that'll allow us to see the movie. Mindlessly, I grab some popcorn.

"Not until the movie starts," he mocks.

"My room, my rules."

Peirce stands up. He runs his finger on the spines of the DVD's. "Which one are we watching?"

"I have Nemo!" I suggest excitedly.

"Seen it. Don't wanna see it again." He claps his hands "Oh, I know. Toy Story!"

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