18. Broken Promises

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"The pleasure of remembering had been taken from me, because there was no longer anyone to remember with. It felt like losing your co-rememberer meant losing the memory itself, as if the things we'd done were less real and important than they had been hours before." -- John Green, The Fault in Our Stars


Chapter 18:

Peirce's pov:

When Matt told me Rose was in the hospital to get her stomach pumped, my imagination ran wild. I started thinking that Rose herself was into drugs. At first I felt understood. I justified my feelings for her through the mere fact that we both had a need for drugs. Then, I felt a bit sad thinking of a beautiful girl like Rose falling into the hands of such evil. I started to wonder if she'd feel the same way if she found out about my needs and wants.

I arrived to the hospital an hour after Matt had talked to me on the phone. I wasn't going to come, but he told me she really needed a friend. And I'm supposed to be her friend. He also said it'd be a great help to him since he didn't want to run into Melissa.

After getting a visitors pass I take the elevator up to the third floor. I walk fifteen steps down the designated hallway and find her room. Anxiety plummeted into my chest. What if she is addicted to drugs? Is it for the same reasons I need them? Or was it a first time thing? Whatever it is, I'm more nervous about being in this very hospital. It reminds me of that one time I got too intoxicated. I had to stay in the hospital for a week and was investigated for two.

I turn the silver knob and open the door. She tells me to come closer. I do. She whispers in that sweet voice of hers. Rose pulls me into a hug once I'm close enough. I hug her back. She needs a friend. In a few days, this whole thing will blow over. I'll be out of town and away from her. I count the seconds.

When she lets go of me, I sit down next to her and stare at the machine monitoring her heart rate.

"The doctor says that I can leave in two days." She announces.

I accidentally glance at her wrists and notice bruising. My brows crease together. I never really found out why she's here.

"What's that?" I ask, pointing.

She look at her arms, "What's what?"

I point at her the bruises directly. The longer I see, the more I notice other bruises. On her neck, on her right cheek.

"What the hell?!"

She looks directly at me. I'm too shocked to apologize for the outburst. What the heck happened to her?

"I thought you knew..." she says.

"Knew what?" I demand to know, "What happened to you?"

She turns her face away from me. There is sudden embarrassment in her eyes. I lean close to her, "Did Matty do that?"

"No," she quickly says, "No..."

I stare at her intensely. She's doesn't want to talk to me about it. This only angers me.

"I thought friends told each other everything." I mock.

"Well, you never tell me anything." She replies.

I roll my eyes. But not at her. At myself. I'm an idiot. Why am I getting so angry over such miniscule things?

"Maybe cause' she's your friend."

I try to sound uninterested, "Alright, enough with the secrets, what happened?"

"Did you get my messages last night?"

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