39. Save Me

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Chapter 39:


He is gone. Has been for a week now. He does not go to school or visit me. He does not call or text or write. He does not go to the skate park which he often used to go to before. When I knock on his door, he does not answer.

He is gone. Far away from me. Hidden in this small town.

I'm desperate to know if he's alive. If he's eating well or sleeping comfortably. Not knowing makes me nervous and sad.

Matty has been gone for a week too. At least I know that he's staying in a local motel while trying to work things out with himself to come back when he's less angry.

I distract myself by catching up with dad. Every day I tell him about a year in my life, from the age of thirteen. I show him pictures I've taken and introduce him to all of my friends by using a yearbook. Sometimes, we just sit together and watch all the movies I wanted to go see with him when he was gone.

It helps having something positive in my life instead of constantly fretting over Peirce and Matty.

I also focus on studying for my final exams which will take place in two weeks. After that, high school graduation.

And college in the fall.

Time has flown quickly. Things have gone out of my reach.


On Friday morning, dad decides to take me to school. All through taxi of course. With his injured leg he can't drive.

I get ready very quickly, having never been more motivated. Since my school is dad's old one, I'm excited to see his reaction to all the changes that have happened over the years.

We take the taxi an hour before school starts. I help him out of the car and walk with him towards the school. His eyes search around, taking in everything.

"It's the same building . . . but boy is this a whole new world. Why are those boy's pants so low?"

I smile while guiding him to a nearby bench, "I don't know. I guess belts aren't cool now a days."

"Belts are very cool. They protect our eyes from looking at other people's underwear. I should buy a pair or two for those boys. . . Hey, you see that tree over there?"

I follow his finger, "Yes."

"Your mother gave me her first kiss under that tree."

"You were mom's first kiss?"

He nods proudly, "First everything. She only ever loved me and no one else. I guess that's why she got tired of me and decided to change. It's understandable . . . people change."

"Nothing lasts forever." I whisper.

"True love lasts forever." He replies "I still love your mother, even if she hurt me like hell. I love you too. That'll never change."

I gaze at the tree. It is bent and marked by other students. I can imagine my parents together, young and happy. Back to a time where youth made everything seem reachable to them.

It makes me sad. . .

Mikey walks, interrupting me before I can say anything else. His sight takes me completely by surprise.

"Rose," he cheers "And stranger who looks like Rose's brother. Matthew, is that you?"

I reach out and push him playfully, "No, this is my dad. He just came back from the army."

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