Chapter 7

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"The Erlund Castle was built over six hundred years ago," Wes says, as he takes me through the dark stone building. "It is not as large as the palace you lived in back home, probably about half the size."

"Where is your room?" I ask him.

"I suppose I could take you," Wes says. "You and I will live together there once we marry."

"I see," I say, I swallow. My body wants freedom, while my mind has me trapped here in the cold of Erlund. "When does your father abdicate the throne to you?"

"He will do so as soon as I produce the next heir," Wes says, he doesn't look at me when he says it. And this immediately has me thinking about my impending situation. The more I put it off the more I'm at risk to be found out.

Good! Let them find out! My beast hisses. She obviously has no mind for politics.

I wonder after all I've witnessed about Wes whether or not he's been with a woman before. It sounds as if he and Diana hadn't had sex.

There is an uncomfortable silence between us. Things don't flow easily between Wes and I. Rift and I's dialogue interested me intensely and kept me on my toes. Wes, although he is a handsome and seemingly nice young man, is quite dull to me.

But maybe every man is going to seem dull compared to Rift, I muse. but Princesses aren't supposed to want the undignified, wild things Rift does.

"What are you thinking about, Kyla?" Wes asks, he furrows his brow at me, "You seem to be lost in another place."

I snap out of my thought and look up at him. Arlite, I forgot I was supposed to be listening to his tour.

"I'm not sure," I say, "I'm a bit homesick maybe. I don't know anyone here."

"I'm going to help you fix that! There will be a party in a couple of nights. I can't wait to introduce you to my friends," Wes says with a grin. "You really are an example for everyone that we don't have to be stuck behind in the prejudices of the past."

"I hope you're right," I murmur.

Wes leads me up a stairs, there are more windows in this part of the castle. I rather like it and wish my room was here. The sunlight streams in and makes the minerals in the stone of the castle glitter.

Wes leads me down a hall to a heavy wooden door. "This is where I live. My living quarters." He opens the door.

I walk in and look around. Fur rugs, a blazing fireplace, a four poster bed made up with a crimson comforter and fur pillows. Hmmm... I don't know what I was expecting, but it wasn't this. He doesn't have bad taste.

"It's nice," I say.

There are no bathing pools in the rooms in this castle like there are in the Underlund palace. Just a sink and toilet like the one in my room. I wonder where they take baths here.

"So you like it?" Wes says, he's eager for my approval.

I nod. "It's nicer than my room. It lets in more natural light." I walk over to the window and gaze out at the mountainous landscape.

"Are you still feeling sick?" Wes asks me.

"No, I'm okay," I lie.

"Sylvia has agreed to take you to the steam rooms tonight," Wes says.

"The steam rooms?" I ask him, turning from the window to look at him.

"I'm hoping the two of you will figure out how to get past your disagreements," Wes explains. "The steam rooms are were we bathe. Erlund is known for our hot springs. Our capitol city is built around a long-dormant volcano."

"Oh," I say. Well, that explains the lack of bath pools.

"I think you'll find it's an invigorating experience. We have different times for the men and women to bathe. For privacy's sake."

"I do enjoy new experiences," I tell him. I'll admit it does sound kind of interesting. Although, being naked with his sister doesn't sound like fun. I prefer private baths. Or baths with Rift... Dammit, Kyla, stop thinking about him! The guy turned evil and broke your heart. He doesn't deserve to be in your thoughts!

"Good, so I can let her know you'll join her?" Wes asks me.

I don't really want to join Sylvia, but I have a duty to my country to make nice with these people. "Sure," I say.

"Let's get back to the tour," Wes says.

"You don't want to hang out in here?" I ask him. "I'm kind of overwhelmed, maybe we can finish the tour some other time. Let's just talk."

"I'd love to stay in here with you, Kyla," Wes admits. "I'd love to have you right now if I could. It would be perfectly acceptable too." He steps forward, and smiles at me. "But I know how shy you are. How you want to wait."

I look up at him. His smile is charming. His eyes are warm. He goes from zero to one hundred really fast in this intimacy thing. Do I really have an opportunity to cover up my pregnancy this easily? My body is screaming at me, "forget about it, there is no way Wes is going to get my clothes off!" and my beast is completely flabbergasted that I'm even considering it.

I step forward. "You don't even know me, Wes," I begin.

"Why do we have to know each other? Our future is already decided for us," Wes says, stepping to meet me. His hands rest on my shoulders. "We're meant to be together for the good of both our countries. It isn't about what we want. So let's just enjoy what we have."

"So you really want me right now then?" I ask him. I sweep a nervous hand through my hair. The floor is going to fall out beneath me I think.

"Maybe not now," Wes says, and he wraps me in his embrace, I try to reciprocate, to not pull away.

"But if you want to," Wes continues, "come to me tonight. After you visit the steam rooms, so you're body is renewed. You are beautiful, Kyla. I yearn to kiss the skin of your bountiful bosom, my bride. I desire to be consumed by your warmth."

Oh, this is awkward and flowery! I'm so uneasy with this proximity as he holds me tightly, squishing my breasts against his chest, and the words he says. Where did he get this kind of language? A poem book for lovers?

Whatever Wes is doing, it isn't turning me on.

Instead I think I may hurl.

Why can't he simply say, "I want you, so if you want to, come to my room and let's do it."?

Our relationship hasn't been one of a great romance. It's been an arrangement. Wes knows I view it as an arrangement so why is he pretending to play the part of a person who has been courting me that is deeply and fervently in love with me?

Maybe I'm being too hard on him.

Does he want me to respond with, "I pine for your manhood to fill my core." Or some nonsense like that?


I'm not good at flowery language and neither is Wes, but he's offering me a chance to end the anxiety I feel about being pregnant and discovered.

"I'll think about it," I say coyly. Separating myself from his embrace as tactfully as I can muster.

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