Chapter 18

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"Kyla, my bride, you look exquisite!" Wes exclaims upon seeing me. He extends an arm out to me and I sashay over to him. His arm reaches around so he can hold me firmly by the waist. "What took you so long?" he asks in a whisper.

"Like I said, I wasn't feeling well," I lie. I hate lying, but it's unavoidable in this situation. Perhaps I need to tell Wes the truth the next time we're alone, not while we're at our engagement party.

Wes turns his attention back to the guests surrounding him. "Jarl, this is Princess Kyla. Kyla, this is Jarl, my best friend."

Jarl smiles faintly, then his eyes transfix on my exposed drakon wings. Jarl's lip curls slightly in scorn at them. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Princess Kyla. Wes is quite enamored with you."

I smile at Jarl. I can remain composed. I've had years of practice.

"I don't care what they say, we shouldn't wait any longer!" My sensitive ears pick up a voice whispering loudly to another behind me. "Can't you see that horror of a princess walks around our courts defiling everyone with her presence?"

I turn my head slightly, my interest piqued. Hmm... Rift mentioned a possible conspiracy.

The owner of the voice is Bjorn, he's speaking with another northman. I try not to let him see I've noticed and I turn back to Wes' introductions.

"I'll love humiliating that prince who cuckolded me," Bjorn growls, "And I'll start with draining his precious demon princess of her blood."

Arlite, I'm getting everything I need for Rift to know right now! But what does it mean? Does Bjorn intend to keep me as a life-giving blood bag for his army? How could he even do that? There is no prison that could keep me.

"Look at those wings! She's wearing them out of her dress, flaunting them like they make her beautiful rather than repulsive," the man with Bjorn sneers. "The first thing I'll do is cut them off and see if they grow back."

"That's not the first thing I'll do," Bjorn says with a cruel chuckle.

My blood chills. What is causing all this confidence in them? How can they think they are capable of laying one finger on me? My skin tightens and my bones crackle. I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

"They said Wes already laid claim to her," Bjorn's friend says.

"He must have kept the lights off then!" Bjorn says. "I bet she thinks he wants her because she's beautiful and regal, but I know the true reason: Wes wants her for protection and power, that guy hasn't got an ounce of the balls his father has and he knows it. Poor little Wes relying on a woman to take all the shit for him, yet again." 

My beast is agitated and wants out. I haven't transformed in so long, and this is prodding her to take over. I'm a bit thrown by their words as it would deem possible considering what I know about Wes. It wasn't like he had an immediate hard on for me when we'd entertained the idea of having intercourse either. Wes truly doesn't strike me as the brave type in any situation.

King Lionel approaches Wes and I. I'm so distracted by Bjorn and his friend's conversation that I don't notice when the King asks me a question. Which is a very bad call on my part.

Wes squeezes my hand. "Kyla, my father just asked you if you liked it here."

"Oh," I start, my gaze meeting King Lionel's. "Yes, your majesty, I find the Erlund castle lovely." Trained answer, but I don't trust King Lionel farther than I can see. For all I know he too is in on whatever is going on.

Maybe the Cursed child haunting me is right. I'm not safe.

"Are you feeling any better?" asks King Lionel, his brows arched in annoyance.

"Yes, much better," I say.

"Son, would it be alright if I had a moment alone with Princess Kyla?" the king asks Wes.

"Of course, Father," Wes says, with a bow. "See you later, my princess."

Don't leave me alone with him, Wes. Forlornly I watch as Wes walks toward the dance floor to mingle.

"There is something I must show you, Princess Kyla," King Lionel says. "If you will follow me?"

No, I don't want to. Not safe. A foreboding tension is in the air. "Where did you want to take me?" I ask him.

"Somewhere we can't be heard," Lionel grumbles.

"Like by those curtains over there?" I ask him, motioning my head at a place where the guests are still within view, but not within hearing distance.

"Very well," Lionel grunts. "Over there."

We stroll over, a few heads turn as we do. I notice Sylvia watching with disdain. She's probably still angry about what happened with the steam rooms.

Once we reach the spot, Lionel grabs hold of the crook of my arm and pinches my skin tightly. "I heard about what you did to Wes. Seductress!"

"What?" My eyes widen. Although this is all according to Wes and I's plan in covering up my pregnancy. "Why would you say such a thing?"

"His man, Ames, told me so," Lionel growls. "Harlot. Your wedding hasn't even come to pass!"

"I'm not a harlot. Your son requested I see him last night, he wanted me to," I growl back. I'm not about to take this lying down. "And whose to say we didn't do anything more than sit by the fire and chat?" Whew, it actually felt good to say something truthful.

"You're descended from a long line of monsters in human skin," King Lionel tells me coldly. "I will not have my grandchildren apart of it."

"What are you going to do about it then?" I snap. "Have me killed? How can you when you allowed this to happen in the first place?"

"I didn't want it to happen, but mark my words, I'll find a way to stop this wedding, I never want to be apart of your family," King Lionel threatens.

"Arlite, I don't want to be apart of a family with you in it either, but we must think of the people," I say to him. "What is best for the people of Erlund and Underlund? Peace."

"I am of a differing opinion, Cursed Princess," King Lionel sneers. "Peace is the last thing on my mind."

"There are forces you have no comprehension of at work here," I tell him, it's my turn to get threatening. I shove his hand off my arm. "Forces far more wicked than I. And he seeks to feed and build his strength off of exactly what you are suggesting."

"Don't tell me you believe a Dark Lord actually lives among us? All that's left of the Dark Lord is your Curse," King Lionel scoffs. "Yes, I heard the rumors. They came floating up from your hot, humid, wilds you call a kingdom. I don't believe a word of what they say, there is no Dark Lord incarnate."

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