Chapter 24

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The Dark Lord

The Erlund castle is in a delicious chaos when we arrive which only feeds my power. The Dark energy surges, guests are in terror, whispers of war is in the air, and I relish in the overcast of it's shadow.

I'm prepared to give this Prince Wes the time of his life.

As much as I want to skip directly to the fun, I have to be sure the Blood Queen was telling the truth. She easily could have lied to incite my wrath, but if what she said is true, I am quite thrilled. Obtaining a Fe key from Wes after he places a collar on Kyla will be simple. I do not fear my Cursed humans any longer because I ensured my host in this modern Age to be capable of light energy power, the antidote to the Cursed. Unfortunately the smell of this energy surrounding Rift disgusts me.

I inhale deeply. Ah, Rift, how I hate your controlling guts.

This Blood Queen is a worthy minion. A pity she doesn't possess what I need to not repeat the mistakes of my past. Although I needed Rift to murder his mother in order to possess him, I am well aware he is an obstinate, dominant soul and getting him to fully submit himself to me is proving impossible. Even now I can feel his consciousness melded with mine, he knows what is going on around him just as much as I do, even though I'm in charge. He is stronger than he knows, and I shall keep ignorant of this fact.

I hope once my power is great enough, I may not need Rift anymore so I shall continue to entice the Blood Queen to serve me and feed upon the darkness in her soul. I remember calling her to work for me. How simply she gave up her soul to me!

If only Rift were as her!

"Excuse me," I ask a frantic party-goer. "Why is everyone so upset? Isn't this an engagement feast?"

"Aye, but that Cursed bitch betrayed us! She-she-she up and attacked the castle, at least that's what I was told," the man says, his eyes wide with fear. "This will start a war. Good riddance!"

Interesting. That doesn't sound like Kyla, but I'll take her working for my end of things if it feeds my strength.

I lick my lips, recalling the last time she and I had a moment alone together. What a hot, powerful piece of ass Rift has served up on a platter to me! Once my plan is complete and Axus is enveloped in terror, it won't matter if she's wearing a Fe collar for me, she'll obey my will because she is a creature of Darkness.

And I'll have her do all sorts of wicked things for me.

"Where is Prince Wes?" I ask him. "Is he distraught by her actions?"

"I haven't a clue," the man snorts. "Who are you exactly?"

"An admiring spectator of war," I say to him. I create a thin chain and wrap it around his neck. "Be honest with me, human, where is the Prince?"

"He's--by the--by the balcony the princess destroyed." The man chokes between words.

"Perfect," I say, yanking the chain hard and breaking his neck. "Thank you." I step over his crumpled form and stride toward the balcony.

Prince Wes is arguing with his father, another war-mongering minion of mine. I teleport myself next to Wes. "Where is the Princess?" I ask Wes.

"Who are you?" King Lionel barks.

"Shut up," I say to him with Rift's mind control. "And piss off. And by that I mean, don't take a literal piss but leave your son alone with me and plan your next strategy."

Wes' eyes are huge as he gazes after his father doing exactly as I say. "Who are you?" He asks me.

"What happened here?" I ask him with mind control. This is why I love Rift and his abilities.

"Kyla, she suddenly took on her Beast form and flew away," Wes says obediently. "No one can figure out why. Including me."

"Ah, so she didn't attack the castle?" I ask.

"She broke the stone railing on the balcony; but it wasn't an attack," Wes says.

"Lovely," I mutter. "Will this ruin your plans to put a Fe collar on her?"

Rift is fighting for control. I can feel him, the twitch of his strength in my borrowed fingers. He wants to go after Kyla.

Of course.

The besotted bastard can't let me have my way when it comes to his mate. What disturbs me is he knows something I don't, and no matter how hard I delve into his mind, I'm shut out from the knowledge.

Good thing all this chaos has made me stronger.

"I'm not going to put a Fe collar on her, she's not a bad person like I've been told my whole life, and she understands just as much as I how important peace is!" Wes answers.

"But you have one for her? By someone named the Blood Queen?" I demand to know, Rift's fight for control is making my rage flare up.

This isn't a great romance, boy, this is a beautiful, horrifying tragedy of my creation. Don't spoil it!

"I do," Wes says, shame crossing his face. "I had it made before I realized the peace and beauty in her soul. Before I realized, Kyla is too good for Axus, and for me."

"How romantic," I drawl with a roll of my eyes. "I understand the infatuation, Wes, I do. But she's still a wild beast, tonight proves it. Once she returns, you shouldn't waste any time, put the Fe collar on her and be done with it."

"I can't do that to her," Wes says.

How this woman annoys me... "Did you know that the woman who you believe is too good for you wantonly gave herself to another man minutes before joining your engagement party? I've sampled the goods, Wes, believe me when I tell you they are worth claiming as yours alone."

"I cannot believe Kyla would do that," Wes says, indignation shrouding his face. "She wants peace more than anyone and she wouldn't risk it by betraying me like that."

"Believe it, Wes," I mutter. Rift, however is relentless, I cannot get him to back down, he wants to return to his mate and I suppose there are some forces in nature beyond even my control.

So be it. Enjoy the mess I left you, Rift.

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