Chapter 27

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Wes is waiting for me, as I suspected. His eager gaze is filled with admiration and respect.

I'm sorry for using you, Wes, you're not a bad guy after all.

"Kyla, I would love to introduce you to my cousins, Derek and Bettina," Wes says, beckoning me next to him. The music chimes on in the background and after all the disarray it's almost eerie how controlled and collected the party is. Like a good bride-to-be I meet his cousins. In the back of my mind I play out ways to get Wes' help in overthrowing his father.

No idea strikes me, but I shall carry on with getting to know Wes. I also need to warn Kalvar if there is indeed going to be an ambush from King Lionel's side of things.

Warning Kalvar and discussing sensitive matters with him never really turns out forms though.

As a matter of fact, nothing turns out to be simple in this wild life of mine.

- Madly in love with a dark mage who is partially possessed by an age old entity of evil? Yes.

- Laid an egg whose father is said dark mage? Of course.

- Father and mother not present or able to be present to help me deal with all the madness in my life. You bet.

- Brother is a womanizing, life of the party, oblivious and unconcerned king because my people can't tolerate a Cursed queen? Why not?

- Need to manipulate a good-hearted man to help me whilst carrying on having carnal relations with previously mentioned infuriating and sexy mage? Okay, that one's kind of on me. I'm not proud of it, but I can't stop either, Rift brings out the animal in me.

Mate loves me, my beast purrs on the inside.

I can't help but join my beast in reveling on that. The knowledge of his love prods me on in my mission to create peace. Rift's affirmation of love sends me strength in this dark, crazy place.

Empowered by this, I take Wes' arm and kiss his cheek. "You're a good man," I whisper in his ear. "Thank you for being a good man."

Wes' cheeks redden. "Thank you?" He blinks and whispers back. "Where did that come from?"

"I'm just glad you're not your father," I say.

He squeezes my hand and smiles. "So glad that you'll walk out to the balcony and kiss me while no one is looking?"

My own face flushes. That wasn't what I meant...

"I'm still... not ready," I stutter.

Wes smiles. "I'll wait. When you finally are my wife I'll show you there is nothing to fear when the man you're with is gentle." He rests a hand on my even redder cheek.

Gentle? My internal beast wrinkles her snout.

"Wes, what if I'm never ready to be with you in that way?" I ask him. Because I never will.

"I don't know," Wes says thoughtfully, "do you think that is going to be the case? You just kissed me on the cheek. I can work my way from there."

"I need to be honest," I say. "I'm afraid we'll never get there."

Stop being honest, Kyla, you need him to be on your side to use against his father's attack on your kingdom.

I recall what Rift said, that I underestimate myself, but really I just care too much to use deception and physical power to get what I want.

"And I'll be honest, if that's truly the case, I may end up taking a mistress," Wes says with a chuckle. "Not outside your knowledge of course, but I hope you won't hate me for it."

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