Chapter 11

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Get yourself together, Kyla, this is something you've done many times before, I remind myself as I stand in front of Wes' bedroom door.

I can close my eyes and maybe it'll be over quickly. I've heard from Helle some guys are an easy trigger.

Oh, but what if it's not over quickly?

Then I can pretend he's--uh--Rift?

No, that's wrong.

Besides, I have a feeling Wes and Rift's sexual styles are going to be very different. 

First, Rift would never use poetic language in order to seduce me.

Second, Rift and I have had chemistry since the first moment we met.

Third, Rift wouldn't even give me time to think about being nervous or awkward. He'd be biting into my neck, saying something witty, or using magic to tie me up.

Fourth, sex with Rift is--intense, strange, animalistic, uninhibited, and extremely satisfying.

Fifth, damn, I need to stop thinking about Rift or this night is ruined!

I take a deep breath and knock on the door tentatively. I hear footsteps and my heart is pounding in my chest.

The door opens. It's Wes' manservant, Ames, who answers.

"Princess Kyla," Ames says, raising his eyebrows in surprise and quickly bowing his head at me. "Wes told me you might come."

"Is he--uh-- (clear throat) here?" I ask Ames.

"Yes, he's in his dressing room," Ames says. "Do you want to join him?"

"Y-yes," I practically squeak, my throat tightens and stomach grumbles at me.

Ames frowns at me, he doesn't seem to approve. "Ah, I'll let him know then." Ames moves aside and gestures for me to enter the room. "Wait here, please."

I nod at him, and bite my lip as he shuts the door behind me. This is it.

Wes walks out from his dressing room and smiles when he sees me. He's wearing a white robe. "Ames, you may leave us," he says.

Ames bows to him. "Of course, your majesty."

After Ames has left the room, Wes approaches me. I can't move, it's like I'm frozen where I stand, helpless.

You like being a whore, don't you?

The Dark Lord's voice echoing in my mind. It reminds me of what he did to me and I put my hands out in front of me. "Wes, let's take this--"

Wes unties his robe.


"I was hoping you'd join me, Kyla," Wes says, completely naked as he throws the robe aside. I keep my eyes on his face.

"I'm going to need some time," I say, finally finding motion again so I can walk over to his bed and sit at the foot of it. I sigh. "This is... are you sure?" I look up at him.

"Kyla, you're so adorable with your virgin jitters," Wes says. He follows me to sit beside me. "You can look at me, it's okay."

I swallow back the knot in my throat. "This is... this is too real to me. I just need some time."

"Here, let me help you with your dress," Wes offers, he leans toward me and starts untying my dress.

"Remember when the Sorceress used you?" I ask Wes, trying to stall. "The cruel things you said?"

"I was terrible," Wes says, he pauses from untying my garment. "Why would you bring that up?"

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