Chapter 39

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My mother never told me stories of valor as a child like Kyla's mother did. The only thing she taught me was how to kill things with my dark powers, manipulate people into doing what you want them to, and exacting vengeance on betrayals.

I do not understand Kyla's desire to let Wes free when he could easily be a power source for my Scourge when it comes to defeating the Dark Lord.

Still, I'm in love with her and she means everything to me, so I suppose I'll let that cowardly, asinine little prick go.

To get my mind off of that piece of crap, I decide to direct all my attention toward defeating the Dark Lord. Besides, it's the most pressing thing going on anyway.

Can always Scourge Wes to death later.

I agitatedly rake a hand through my hair. Atop Kyla's Cursed back I can see for miles around us. The ground below us is still deadened by the cold.

"What are you thinking about, Rift?" Kyla asks me.

How I struggle with the darkness inside me even with the Dark Lord out of my head.

"I'm troubled by what Wes did to you," I answer truthfully, for I know I cannot hide this from her.

"I'm troubled as well," Kyla answers quietly. "I cannot believe him. After everything, all the ups and downs, I was so completely wrong about him in the end. He's not all bad, but he's not good either. His fears defeated him long before I even spoke with him the first time."

"You're lenient toward him too," I growl.

"Maybe so, but there are many capable of taking his path based on where he came from," Kyla says. "He was raised to distrust my Curse. He was raised to hate me. I think he gave me a chance in his own mind, but when he realized he couldn't control me and I was never going to be in his comfort zone, he couldn't take it."

"I admire your empathy, I really do," I hiss through clenched teeth dryly. "You are a much better person than me."

"I'm glad you are angry for me, Rift," Kyla says, her voice choked. "It may sound bad... but I--I need to have someone angry for me."

At her words I relax, and my heart breaks a little. There haven't been enough people angry for this precious woman.

I stroke a hand down her back and her beast make a sound akin to a loud purr.

"We need to come up with a plan to defeat the Dark Lord. Do you think your brother will listen to me if I tell him my story first hand?" I ask.

"He still believes you and the Dark Lord are the same person," I say. "He also knows I have feelings for you and it's possibly he will believe my judgment impaired by this."

"Someone needs to set your idiot brother straight," I can't help but grumble. "He's got his head so far up his own ass that--"

"Rift," Kyla growls. "Don't waste time speaking of things I'm already very aware of."

"I sent Scenna ahead to speak with him, hopefully that will soften him up a bit," I mutter.

"How is Scenna doing anyway?" Kyla asks.

"She's doing well," I say thoughtfully. "Wes could take a few lessons from one such as she. Her determination and bravery is astounding."

"I'm in complete agreement," Kyla says and I can almost picture her rolling her blood red eyes at the thought of Wes' recent antics. There is a silence between us "Is there world going to end because of us, Rift?"

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